Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Christmas Holiday Take 2

We spent our afternoon on Christmas day doing the coolest thing ever.  We served Christmas dinner to the homeless.  It was honestly up there in my top 5 favorite things of my holiday season this year.  I think not one of us will ever forget the feeling we had by spending our day with those less fortunate. 

My good friend and her family have been putting this together for years now and we were finally able to get in on helping them.  I hope to make it a tradition and hope that we can find more ways to serve those in that same situation more often then just at Christmas. 

So lucky to have my siblings there along with me.  It made it that much more meaningful!  

The kids were so great in embracing all the children and got right in there with them and made crafts.  It was so cute to see!

Glen knew it wasn't truly a good dinner until we had a sing along so he conducted a little Christmas caroling!  I think he quite enjoyed himself! 

That evening we all met out at my sisters house and had a big feast ourselves.  It was so wonderful to spend the day with my family!  Lucky to have them!

The older I get the more and more I realize that it's not about the presents and gift giving it's so much more about just being with each other.  This DAY was perfect to me.  It's what heaven will be like (except lots more family). Serving and loving!


Kendi Lee Photography said...

One of the best Christmas ideas ever - over 300 people from the shelter fed and the quality of people there helping was GREAT. It reminded me so much of working in inner city Philly for the church. Would love to do it again - here there, wherever.

Jenny Moore said...

That is an awesome thing to do and sounds like a great tradition!!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

What a great way to catch the true Christmas spirit! Having family together and enjoying the gift of giving all at once was, indeed, the best Christmas ever.