Thursday, March 03, 2011

A tub in the kitchen sink

Maggie was being really fussy one night while we were trying to get dinner made and on the table. She loves her baths but I knew that it just couldn't happen right at that time......well at least not in the bathroom tub but we could make it happen in the kitchen sink. She loved and it and was very happy. She had everyone right there, giving her their full attention and was high enough to be in the know of what was going on.

Carter is such a great big brother. He really loves his sisters. It's fun to watch the interaction between Carter and Maggie. Carter doesn't pay near as much attention to her as Bess does. Bess is a little bit much to Maggie. She can get in her space, if you know what I mean.
But when Carter shows Maggie some attention, she's smitten. At times it's almost like she does stuff just to get him to notice her. She loves her brother!


CB said...

Baby baths in the sink are really great! Can you believe I never did that. Looking back I have no idea why.
These pictures are sooo dang cute.
Her eyes are very beautiful.

Jess said...

That is so sweet! I love to make it work wherever you are and sometimes that is just what you have to do. I love it! Good job.

Such sweet pictures. I hope they always have that bond. So cute.

Cheri said...

I LOVE it! Your pictures are so precious! I love how she is so inlove with her brother!

Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie, gramma and grampa love the time we get to spend with her lately

Jenny Moore said...

If they could always fit in the sink!
I'm sad they grow out of it!!!
She is so cute, I love the way she looks at Carter!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures were great! LOL! I think you found your cure for the evening "grumps". She's lucky to have too siblings who love her so much!

The Dorny Family said...

Cute. I've always used the sink at times to bathe babies, but not while I'm cooking dinner. Great idea.

Maude said...

Oh my gosh! What great pictures. When I opened your blog and saw that first one, I just started to giggle! She is indeed in love with her brother, and apparently already knows how to "turn on the charm!" See you all this afternoon!

Love you,

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

she's so adorable! It was fun seeing you all.

Regina said...

Cute pictures! She is so darn sweet. Love the way she is looking at Carter!