Monday, February 28, 2011

First Lost Tooth

Bess totally surprised us with losing her tooth. We had no idea it was even loose. She never mentioned one thing about it. I think she feared her dad pulling it out if she mentioned something, so she chose to keep it on the down low. That, or maybe it was never wiggly?

She took the plastic lid off of her frosty cup and out it popped. She didn't even really know what was going on. She thought she had something stuck in between her teeth and was digging around trying to get it out when she realized it was her tooth missing. There it was laying right on the ground.

It's kind of fun to hear her talk with a little bit of a lisp. I don't even think anyone would notice it but since I am her mom and around her all the time I can definitely hear it.

Pretty cute little smile!


Anonymous said...

So cute! and in her swimsuit of course, it's okay I like to put my swimsuit on when I get home too....Love that girl!


Jenny Moore said...

Congrats on your first lost tooth Bess! Love the smile!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a funny story! I guess Beth was quiet about it or the tooth is stealthy. She looks so cute! Madison remembers how her first tooth was knocked out by my elbow when I turned. Poor kid!


Maude said...

Very, very cute! Smiles with those fun little holes in thema are the best. That's a very exciting, big moment. I'm glad she got it out so easily. Thanks for sharing.

Love you all,

Jess said...

That's adorable. I love it when they have lost a tooth and don't even realize it! How fun! I do love when they talk with a lisp. So cute.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Congrats on losing your first tooth, Bess. You look very cute with that little gap in your smile!

love ya,

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

She is such a CUTIE!!! I love those toothless grins. It's funny - but her primary class was showing each other their lose tooth or those that were missing already just last Sunday! They are soooooo fun!