Friday, March 11, 2011


(self portrait left on the camera)

Tonight, sitting at the table over dinner

Bess: "Hey, Carter who do you think is the most beautiful girl ever?"
Bess: "Oh, and Carter you can say one of your sisters or Mom."

Carter: (silence)


Anonymous said...

ha ha! that sounds just like Bess and Carter is a smart boy to just keep quiet on that one...but we all know that he would have said his aunt Megan! ha!

Paul and Joni said...

I keep imagining Ellie being like Bess when she's older, cute but a little diva. So funny how Carter just stayed quiet. Maybe Carter will be the one to keep Bess grounded :)


Maude said...

Yes! Fishing big time! And Carter avoided the hook! Good for him! What a wise young man to remain silent to that loaded question! Hmmm - - -Maybe Paul's right - - -Carter will be the one who keeps those sisters grounded.

Love all you beautiful people.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

How cute! Smart Carter didn't get hooked. Being around all those girls will train him to be careful. I loved that blog Kendi.


Anonymous said...

Just as long as she doesn't start asking - do these pants make me look fat? Carter - hold on to the silence!
