Thursday, February 24, 2011

Maggie's First Trip to the Zoo

We were so lucky to have such a beautiful Saturday the beginning of February. I think it was around 55 degrees. We jumped on the opportunity to be outside and to show Maggie just how much we enjoy spending time at the zoo.
We're not totally sure how much she really got out of it but she was so good and really never made a peep. She was sure worn out after being there for 3 hours.

She loved the carousel. I kept saying "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and she was making a similar noise right along with me. It was so cute!


Maude said...

The first zoo day of the year - - -always a great day, with a promise of warmer visits to come! Thanks for sharing the pictures of the kids' great smiles. Everyone looks really happy. I especially like the one of Maggie in full-out laughter on the carousel. How contagious is that?!

Love you all,

Gygi Family said...

How did we not run into each other! I think we were there also!! HA HA! The Zoo! GOOD TIMES!!!!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I loved the colorful pictures and the happy faces. Happy prelude to spring.


Regina said...

Your kids are so cute- looks like fun!

Tyler and Jaimee said...

Thats so fun! We should go together this summer, I have never taken Sophie but Im sure shed love all the animals! Thats funny maggie made that weee sound on the carousel! We need some more nice weather.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a perfect day between storms! We miss you cuties!

Jenny Moore said...

What a fun day at the zoo!!
Cute happy kids!