Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Basketball 2010-2011

Carter's basketball has come to end for this year. He had games every Saturday from the beginning of Dec. till to the beginning of February. It was a long season but we really enjoyed going to the games and cheering his team on. I do have to say basketball is my favorite sport to watch and having your son playing is just an extra bonus. Most of his team have been playing together for 3 years now and they are really starting to work together well.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I wish we could have watched him play! He's a good little athlete!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

We have many memories of watching our boys play basketball, football, and soccer. I agree with you that basketball is the favorite one to watch. We're glad we have a grandson among all those granddaughters who likes competitive sports. Tell Carter to keep it up. It would be fun to watch him play.