Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 14, 2011

Carter turned 8 yesterday. He has been extremely excited about his birthday this year. Most mornings we have to literally drag him from his bed, but not yesterday morning. He woke up with the biggest smile and was ready for everyone to be up.

We celebrated by having his favorite dinner Panda Express, opening presents, and some cheesecake. He got some really neat presents. Thanks to everyone! We're now ready for some good weather so he can get out and ride around on his electric scooter!

Next up, party! Then we're on the look out for a new suit, something he has also been looking forward to & last but not least his baptism! Yeah for being 8!


We do really do enjoy celebrating Valentines Day as much as possible while still trying to make Carter feel important too.

Bess eating her valentine lunch before heading off to school.

Valentine Cards

Carter also made a very awesome locker valentines box. They both had very fun parties at school and got hopped up on sugar. It took some time for them both to finally fall asleep last night.


Maude said...

Happy Birthday again, Carter! This is a BIG one, so I'm glad it was a happy one.

It's a little tough to celebrate two special days on the same day, but it looks like you managed, Kendi. Love the Valentine cards. Very clever, and I'm sure Carter and Bess really enjoyed giving them.

Love you all,


The Dorny Family said...

Happy Birthday, Carter. The Valentine cards are so cute. I'm might just have to steal that idea next year.

Regina said...

happy birthday Carter! Love the cards Kendi, those are brilliant

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I asked Carter if i could ride on his scooter (since i have always wanted an electric scooter myself!) and he said it would only hold up to a 12 year old! Darn, I guess I'm out of luck. It looks like you did a great job on both Valentine's and Carter's birthday. He is such a great kid and we are excited to be there for his baptism!

Love ya,

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

It was fun talking to Carter on the phone the day of his birthday. He has a very soft sweet voice and seems to love his life. We're looking forward to be there for Carter's baptism and to see those precious little girls. You are one sweet family that we adore.

Love, Mike, Grandpa

Anonymous said...

I can see Carter tooling around White Circle in his shiny new scooter - very cool! I like the combo of panda express and cheesecake - both excellent choices! I also love your Valentine cards - such a great idea! I hope you find a great suit and the party and baptism plans so smoothly!

Tyler and Jaimee said...

Those little Valentines you made are so cute!! What a good idea. I cant believe Carter is 8! he is getting so old. 8 is so fun because of the baptism. That is going to be such a special day!

CB said...

It is a special birthday - Wow!!
A belated Happy Birthday to Carter and baptism on the way I am assuming.
Try this site for suits that are well priced (and cute girl dresses too!) www.cutieclothes.com
How fun that you had him the day before Valentine's Day - That was a great Valentine's present for you!