Friday, February 18, 2011


This little girl is into everything. She's doing things already that both my other two kids didn't do until way later. She 's moving too fast for her own good and getting hurt doing it. She is too small to be pulling herself up to furniture and really isn't scared of much. I think she needs to slow down. I want my cuddly little newborn back!


Maude said...

Cute! I love the one where she's sitting by the toilet. She just has a little glint in her eye, like, "Yep, I'm having fun now, Mom!" She really has grown a lot. Can't wait to see her in person again.

Love you all,

Regina said...

I think it is a third child syndrome- Regan was the same way, and still is! She is so stinkin' cute! She's got that look in eye...

Anonymous said...

She's going to give you a run for your money! I think she also will be good at all sports.



Anonymous said...

I love her little tongue sticking out, so cute! I love her so much!


Anonymous said...

I love her little tongue sticking out, so cute! I love her so much!


Cheri said...

Oh My! She is so Cute! I can't believe she so big already! She is precious!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Those eyes are adorable. Looks like your fast developer will be a challenge. Glen was much like that. They do great as long as they have the freedom to grow at their own speed. Loves those dear children.

Love, Dad/Mike