Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blackmail pictures

Bess likes our photo booth, on our computer, a little too much! I just found these gems today in the trash. Guess they didn't make the cut!

Have I mentioned that my future with this little girl worries me???


Jenny Moore said...

She is a beauty!!
Have you considered a cave somewhere?!!!! :) Her and Meggy would get a long famously!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep her under lock and key! With the added lip gloss she looks like a teenager - and she has a good understanding of the computer! We love Bess!

Anonymous said...

OMG Kendi....she reminds me so much of my daughter! I'll have to post some of the photos/videos that she's made...priceless!!

Melissa Kaas said...

I love it. Homegirl is hilarious!!

Regina said...

That is too funny- you are right, you might be in trouble!

Maude said...

Blackmail indeed! Be ready for "the look than can kill" when she's about 18 and brings home a young man she thinks is awesome - - -the perfect moment to open that blog book and share some "family memories!." :)

Have a great weekend. Love you all.

CB said...

That is hilarious! Photo booth on the computer - why do I not have that? Awesome idea!
I always have loved it when the kids steal the camera and I find crazy pictures on it :-D

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Oh wow! What a knockout!! Love that girl.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

so cute! too cute! just gonna keep getting cuter! Scary!

Good luck!
love ya,