Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This little Piggy

.....will be 5 months on Monday.
Oh, I could seriously eat her up!
Throw a little frosting on her and gobble her right up........even with the sleepless nights!


Regina said...

She is SO cute! Her blue grey eyes are beautiful- what cute pictures!

Paul and Joni said...

I LOVE the one where her eyes look kind of crossed, that's awesome.


Jess said...

Oh my heck, those are so dang cute! I am loving that hat. She looks so much like Bess to me in some of those pictures! Is she really almost 5 months already? That flew.

CB said...

That last picture of her tush is priceless!! She is a doll for sure!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love my Maggie! These pics are so cute!


Maude said...

I love those funny expressions! What a cutie! ALL the pictures are perfect - -although she'll someday roll her eyes at your for the "backside" one.

Love you all,

Gygi Family said...

Seriously SO cute! I could eat her up too!

Anonymous said...

This little piggie went to market - nothing like a little bare bum! She really is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

My Maggie is so cute, I just love that girl, I really love the bare bum picture, resembles her gramma according to her sister. I"ll take it.


Anonymous said...

oh ha ha I forgot Bess said that! her bum looks just like her grandma lana's ha ha too funny!


Paul and Joni said...

That might be the cutest batch of pictures I've ever seen. Love her!


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

She is adorable! Love the little piggie hat with the curlie tail on back. What a fun, cute age she's at!

Love ya,

The Dorny Family said...

She is so, so, cute. Wish you were here to take some of my little guy.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

What an adorable baby! She'll grow up to realize her mom is a professional photographer and will want you to shoot her children too.


Anonymous said...

Gross. TMI on the grandma's but thing!