Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Decorating the Tree

All we have done this year in the decorating department for Christmas is put up the tree and our stockings. Sad sad sad!!! One day I'll be on top of my game, one day!
I actually did pull out the camera the day we put up the tree and caught some quick pictures.

I have often complained or been a little embarrassed by our tree and it's ornaments but this year I realized I actually REALLY love the story my tree tells. Each ornament has a story behind it. It's not fancy or beautiful but it's about who we are and I really like that.

It's always funny to hear the stories Glen tells about each ornament that is his from his childhood. The kids love to listen and create their own stories with the new ornaments they get each year.
I really try to find an ornament that represents something big that happened for them that year or something they were involved it. They love it! & I happened to notice a "new ornament" was on their Christmas list for this year.


Maude said...

Brought a lump to my throat seeing Glen and the kids (and you, I'm sure) decorating the tree. The yearly ornaments are such a touching tradition - - -even if the tree doesn't look perfect - - -and will be remembered by your children for as long as they live. (Look at Glen - -still sharing about each one as he hangs it!) It's beautiful - - -and the photos of the kids' shining eyes and Maggie looking at the lights are priceless. Thanks for sharing, Kendi.

Love you all,

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Yours is the best kind of tree to have! Merry Christmas!!

Paul and Joni said...

Could anyone else hear Glen making those noises in his mouth while putting up ornaments and lights? Couldn't help but think that when I saw the picture, wish I was there to hear some of those stories and validate them :)

Bess' haircut looks cute. We are the opposite of you guys, have all of our stuff up but won't be putting up a tree this year.


J. said...

Loved this post. I love ornaments too :)

CB said...

I have to say that you have the best kind of tree!
The tree with all the family ornaments is MY TREE! A few years ago I got a second tree for the living room that is one of those showy, fancy, matching trees and yes it is pretty.
BuT the tree that is in my heart, the tree that has the presents underneath, the tree that holds the memories, the tree we sit around on Christmas morning is the one that has all the funky mismatched ornaments that all have a story and a meaning behind them!
LOVE your tree - Love that your husband tells the stories - that is awesome!

Moore Family said...

It's funny how everyone has different memories of the same story. Of course, my version is always right. The rest of you must be going through chronic dementia.

A couple of my favorite stories that have evolved over time... that I had a doll named Holla. Or or the one where Mom would sing "Kill the Knee (Faithfully)" to Steve when she gave him a ride to tennis lessons. Mom - you sang that song to Steve, me (several times) and whoever else was in the car when "Faithfully" played on the radio. Ya'll need to get your heads checked!

I'll go back to making funny noises with my mouth now. :)


Maude said...

You're funny, Glen!

Jenny Moore said...

Our tree is the same, the kids love to pull out the ornaments and remember. Our kids are getting older so some of our 'old' ornaments aren't getting hung, they are being replaced by the kids (as it should be)
It's fun to watch them as they decorate the tree!

Jess said...

I think that is an awesome tree and tradition. Your kids will remember that forever and I am sure the tradition will continue when they are grown and have families of their own.

I think it is so neat.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Fun memories in the making! Beautiful tree!

Anonymous said...

The tree totally makes it Christmas as far as I'm concerned - you're there! We love decorating the tree and talking about the ornaments too. Madison has her box ready to put up when she gets home.

The Dorny Family said...

See I really like our tree, too, for similar reasons that you do. Jane, however, asked if we could do a fancy tree this year. I can never please...