Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Crazy Utah Weather

Saturday - we spent 4 + hours out raking leaves. Glen bought 45 leave bags last Saturday and we only have 3 left. Lots and lots of leaves.

Sunday - SNOW, lots and lots of snow. In fact today we only had an hour of church because there was no electricity in the building. Great day for building a snowman......or just sticking your face in the snow?


Maude said...

How fun! One of the great things about big old trees! Leaves and snow in the same week is extra fun for kids!
We had record-setting cold here last night, and the weather man reminded us that winter doesn't "officially" begin until Dec. 21! Ugh!

Thanks for the happy photos!

Love you,


The Dorny Family said...

Yes, I heard about the snowstorm. Crazy. We've been enjoying temperatures in the 50s, but the kids keep talking about all the fun they plan to have once it snows. I'll call you soon.

Anonymous said...

Those are great "before" and "after" pictures! Thanks again for having Madison over and taking her to the airport.

Jenny Moore said...

Got to love Utah weather!!
Cute pictures of cute kids having fun!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Fun times!! We still haven't had snow, but we did have lots of leaves!!

love you,