Wednesday, November 17, 2010

swimming, swimming, just keep swimming

*Sleep...who needs sleep? Yeah, you can pretty much guess what life is like around here. How could my baby go from being my best sleeper to my worst?
Before we went to Oregon she was actually doing ok. Since we have been back it's been bad. Then last Monday she got her shots and a cold to boot. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, they did! I would say I average 3 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. Scary huh?

*Is it bad that I just took down my Halloween decorations? On Nov. 15th? Last year I had the excuse of being newly pregnant and just not feeling up to it. This years excuse, see up above. What will my excuse be next year?

*I have an internal struggle going on inside my head lately with trying to lose this baby weight. Oh how I want it off, but oh how will I ever find the time?

*Laundry. It never ends. It's always there.

*In all honesty, I wouldn't change anything about my life right now. My kids are sweet and still (relatively) like me. Maggie pretty much adores me and heck she doesn't mind that I have stinky breath in the morning.
I get to drive my kids to school and watch them walk in safely. I get to see them home from school and hear about their adventures. I get to watch and help them learn new things. They keep me laughing and happy.
I am often stopped by women, whom have older kids that are now gone from their homes. They make mention to really value this time because it does go by so fast.
I have found myself really enjoying Maggie. I truly don't want her to grow one more pound or on more inch. I notice myself holding her longer and kissing her more then I did my other two. I wished them growing up too fast and it makes me mad at myself. I don't want to take this time for granted.


J. said...

I can totally relate to you on the sleep deprivation! Hopefully you will catch a little more shuteye this week!
It's not bad that you just took your halloween decorations down. 2 years ago, my christmas tree was up until April. yes April. That is the shame of my life. And I had no excuses.
I can also agree with you on the laundry. Since Evelyn spits up everything at every meal time I feel like I am doing a load every day... it's super fun.

Glad you are relishing in the moments though. One day when they're teenagers who want nothing to do with us anymore, I'm sure we'll miss these baby/toddler/kid days.

Regina said...

Oh, I can so relate- all I can say is sleep when you can, the decorations and laundry can wait. I have started doing just one load of laundry a day (which isn't hard to find with 5 of us now). I wash it, dry, fold and put away. There might be 2 more loads waiting, but I only do 1 per day, and it has really been working well for me, no one has been running out of clothes, and it has helped me out a ton. I don't know what it is about the jump from 2 kids to 3, but it kicks your butt(it did mine anyway) Hang in there, I hope little Maggie starts sleeping better for you soon!

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Bring you kids to me and you can take a NAP! I remember those days well of wondering if I would ever sleep through the night again. Hang in there - you are a great Mom! (and I am serious let your kids hang with me while you take a nap)

Maude said...

I'm so sorry about your sleep deprivation, Kendi! It WILL get better - - -although I have to admit that some other "fun" thing might take it's place for a few years. And I totally agree about enjoying the kids while they're young and at home. They really are gone all too soon. I like that idea about 1 load of wash a day - - -makes it do-able, and takes the pressure off, I'd think. You WILL get to all those other "less important" things. "To everything there is a season" is so very true.
Love you lots. You can send a couple our way.


Maude said...

P. S. Wish I looked that good on 3 hours sleep per night!

Jess said...

I know it seems overwhelming with a new babe. A few months ago I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, but it does get better. I have the same thoughts with not wanting them to grow up and enjoying every minute. I think vacations and shots totally throw off routines, but she will start sleeping again.

My motto is one day at a time. If I think too hard about ALL the stuff I need to do I get overwhelmed. I usually don't get dressed these days until noon and it's great!

Anonymous said...

I just want to give that tired face a big hug! 3 hours a night totally changes how everything look - life can drag! You are a really grateful person and even grateful moms need some time to rest and be on their own - rejuvinate. I hope you get the chance to do that!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

So sorry about the sleep! I think that is definitely one of the hardest things to deal with. I'm sure it will get better soon! It has to! Your thoughts about being with your kids are so sweet and tender. I'm so happy you get to be with them. I wouldn't have traded all these years at home with my kids for anything--sometimes I thought I wanted to do something else, but so glad i always ended up a stay-at-home mom!!

Love ya,

The Dorny Family said...

I'm sorry about the no sleep. Maybe you should give me a call in the middle of the night and we could catch up. Actually, I think I'm averaging more sleep time than you are right now. I have strangers approach me all the time, too, and tell me how lucky I am to have my young kids and about how quickly they leave you. I agree, and although it's hard, I really value the time I'm able to share with them.

Anonymous said...

I know you don't want to hear this but being your mother all I can say is been there done that!!! those kids are so special and Maggie does love her mother so much. she is so cute when she wakes up happy, which after she wakes up completely. We love her so much!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I'm, of the opinion that the time we sacrafice for our children's best interests comes back to us in sweet memories. The times of tough stuff raising kids will pass. I remember in the sixth grade our wise teacher had a sign by the clock on the wall: "Time will pass. Will you?"

Much love to Kendi and her precious ones.


amylouwhosews said...

can you tell I'm catching up on some neglected blog reading?

I think we are living parallel lives right now. I could have written this post. And not just because my #3 is Maggie too. I'm right here cheering you on too. I'll be thinking of you when I'm kicking myself too for wishing them older and hanging on to this last one.