Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bling Bling

Bess and her cousin Reese decided it would be fun to get their ears pierced together. So when Reese turned 5, this past Monday, we had a party at Claire's. Gotta love ya some Claire's.

Glen was a little hesitant of letting Bess get them pierced. Both Carter and Bess begged Glen to let her do it. Yes, Carter! (not sure why?) So Monday about 10 minutes before the event was to take place, Glen gave his go ahead. Secretly he was hoping that after Bess watched Reese get hers done that Bess would no longer want to.
Well that backfired!
Once we got to Claire's the girls decided Bess would go first. & that she did. She was so brave! No tears or anything. However, mommy shed a tear watching, I am a baby.

Next up, Birthday Girl!
Nope she wanted nothing to do with it. She wants to wait till she's 6.
Little stinker!


Anonymous said...

She was so brave! I don't think we gave Bess enough credit we thought she would be the one to chicken out...but turned out it was the birthday girl! maybe next year Reesey!


Jess said...

oh my gosh, I can't believe she didn't do it! way to go Bess. I can't believe that she didn't even cry. You should have seen the scene we made when I took Rylee (she wanted to as well). After they did the first one, she was not about to do the other one so i had to hold her. Yep, I'm sure everyone thought I was forcing her. She looks adorable!

Jenny Moore said...

Way to be brave Bess!!!
She looks super cute with sparkles in her ears!!!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Cute, adorable girls!


Maude said...

Brave girl, that Bess! I hope she's rewarded with a quick, trouble-free healing of those cute little ears. How's is going so far?
How often have I seen that happen - -when the first little girl is brave, and the second one, after watching the whole thing, says, "I'm going to re-think this idea."

Love you all.


Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Could Bess be any cuter? I love that haircut?

I am so jealous of her pierced ears. Brian won't let me pierce Addison's ears until she makes the decision for herself. And I'm sure when she does, he'll hem and haw and try to talk her out of it til she's older. I just pray he isn't like his Dad who wouldn't let his girls pierce their ears til they turned 18!

Anonymous said...

I was there to witness and the mother shed more tears than the brave Bess. way to go Mom!

Regina said...

That is such a funny story! Way to go Bess, those pics are too cute. I can already seeing Aron being the same as Glen when Regan wants to do this, I'm sure he won't want her to either.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Good job, Bess! You are a brave girl!

Cheri said...

Bess looks so big! Way to be brave. That is a funny story that they will never forget!

Anonymous said...

That's ironic - Cecily was just asking to have her ears pierced today! It must be in the air! She looks so sweet and grown up. I'm sure she'll love the earrings - this is the age when they love jewelry so much - maybe it never goes away!