Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sometimes Life is Overwhelming

Do you ever feel like things will never be just right, that you're ready to throw in the towel?
Well I often do!...............especially lately.

When I start to feel down or get negative about this or that I start to think about just how lucky I am and how I really need to live more simply.
This picture helps remind me just of that.
My neighbor next door is a sister to these twin girls. They're such a great example to me on just how wonderful life really is if you just live it simply.
They work at McDonald's 2 days a week. They take the bus to work and if you see them walking from the bus stop home, you'll find them holding hands as they cross the street.
If you run into them at the store, just know you're in for a hug and a whisper in the ear on just how much they love you.
They spent an afternoon at my house not long ago holding Maggie. It was so enjoyable to talk to them and get a better perspective on life from their point of view.
I asked them about their job, they take great pride in it. I asked them about the duties they do at home, they split it as to who does the outside work and who does the inside work, completely happy with what they complaining.
They work in the nursery in their ward and some Sundays they have 2 kids and other days they have 12, but no complaints.
They're so lucky to have each other. It's times like this that I realize I need to take more advantage of my relationships with others that are close to me.


Anonymous said...

What great ladies! Unfortunately, I don't know them as well as you do but they're very sweet from what I've seen. Living simply is SO much easier said than done. I fully admit that although I'm thankful for life's blessings, I've got a long way to go in that department.


John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

And might I just add that they have been working in their ward nursery since before my oldest was in nursery there. (She turns 25 in January) They are the sweetest girls ever! I love their hugs and them telling me they love me. I am sure they thoroughly enjoy being around your sweet Amelia, Bess, and Carter. You are wonderful to share your kids with them!

Jess said...

I love the post Kendi! It is great to reflect and see amazing examples that teach us so much.

Maggie looks like she is trying to tell us all something too :) Very cute!

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Sorry I called your Maggie - Amelia. We had a niece born about the same time and they named her Amelia. I am soooo bad with names. You were probably wondering who I was talking about. That's what happens when you get old. (at least I found my mistake and corrected it. I don't always catch them.)

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Those twins look so happy because they know how to serve, work, and love others. Is there anything more basically wonderful than that? How nice that you can have such fine neighbors.


CB said...

That is neat that you took the time to spend an afternoon with these ladies and that they could teach you something. You probably taught them alot too + they got to hold the darling little baby!
Life doesn't have to be hard we make it what we want - Most of the time:)
Great post Kendi!

Anonymous said...

That's a great story! You got me with the holding hands waiting for the bus story. We all need people in our lives to help us realized how blessed we are.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

What a blessing to know them and we should all live more simply and enjoy our lives and the people in our lives more!

Maude said...

Thanks for sharing, Kendi. We often learn most from the extraordinary "ordinary" people around us. I would love to meet them. How neat for you to invite them over. I'm sure it was mutually enjoyable.

Love you all.