Monday, September 13, 2010

A Blessed Event

On Sunday August 29th, we blessed our Maggie June. We were pretty positive that she was going to cry through the whole blessing but she pleasantly surprised us and was very alert and quiet.
It was very neat to see such a great group of men in the circle We sure are lucky!

The weather was beautiful that day and we were able to celebrate afterwards with a luncheon in our backyard.

The only thing I regret from the day was not taking more pictures. I should have assigned that duty out.


CB said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE her name!! She is beautiful. Congratulations on a wonderful blessing day for your sweet babe :-D

Jenny Moore said...

What a great day!
Looks like you had a lot of people there to share it with you!!!
I love her dress!

Maude said...

A wonderful day for all of you. So sorry I couldn't get there, with all the other travels. I love that cute little dress on the beautiful little girl! It's so good to see a picture of Wanda. I would have so enjoyed seeing her again.

Love you all.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Indeed, that was a very special day. We enjoyed spending time with your family and many of ours. I especially liked my talk with your dad. He has reason to be very proud of the wonderful marriages and children coming from his three beautiful daughters. The baby is darling, and will get easier soon, then worse, then easier, on and on. I think God gave us children to refine us, humble us, and give us true feelings of joy.

Love, Mike

Jess said...

I am so glad everything went well. It is always my fear that my baby will scream through the whole blessing too. It's always a relief if they don't :) she is darling! Her blessing dress looks vintage. I love it. I'm glad you had a nice gathering. Looks like she was happy the whole day.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I'm glad you had so many family memebers there! She looks really intense in the first picture!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

We were so lucky to be there for that lovely blessing day! Sorry I was a big baby towards the end with having to leave Eric behind and head home!! Maggie June is so darling as are Carter and Bess. You have a beautiful family and home that is filled with lots of love!

love ya,