Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Horseback Riding

One evening, at the end of August (yes I am behind in blogging), we took a little rode trip up to Oakley to ride horses. My brother in law's family has a cabin with horses nearby. Kurtis promised the kids this summer to take them up and he decided it was time to make good on his promise!
It was a beautiful evening but by the time we got up there we didn't have much light left to ride for long. The kids had a blast! and the adults even got in on a little of the fun. Of course I was on baby duty and picture duty so I wasn't able to saddle up. Next time!

Here's how Maggie spent the evening:


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I was afraid you were going to put that picture up of me! not the most flattering... It was a lot of fun though we will have to do it again and actually spend more than 2 hours up there!


Cheri said...

That looks like so much fun! The weather looks absoultly perfect! I am dying for some cooler weather! I am jeleous that you are able to do so much with your family! I need a visit to SLC! I want to Squish Maggie's (love her name!) cheeks and arms! I love chubby babies! Megan, If you are talking about the picture with you and Kurtis, your Crazy! You look Gorgeous as always!

Jenny Moore said...

That looks like a perfect evening!
Did the kids fall into dream land on the way home!!
Enjoy fall for us!!!

Maude said...

What a fun evening! Looks like everyone had a great time - - -even Maggie! Next time, please take me! :)

Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Oh kids and horses - a love match for sure! Those are great pictures and a very cool brother-in-law who set it up~!


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

That looks like so much fun. What a beautiful place and you are so lucky to have such awesome relatives who will let you take advantage of such wonderful things!

Gygi Family said...

K That looks like So much fun! What a beautiful day! Love the picture of Maggie!

Tyler and Jaimee said...

I love riding horses! Having baby duty sure makes ya miss out on some fun things hu? But then again sometimes its a good excuse to not have to do things you dont want to do! That picture of Maggie is so funny! shes getting so big and shes so cute! Im done working Kendi so we need to go to lunch soon!