Monday, January 11, 2010

January Blues

When it comes to blogging, I am just not feelin' it! I am really hoping it's simply just some January blues that have got me down!?

Each day I try to find joy in the little things to keep a smile on my face. Today it was Bess playing kitty. While I was trying to get her ready for school, she insisted that I call her Cinderellie as she crawled around on the floor like a kitten.
She's pretty positive "the baby" is going to be a boy. She'd love a sister but for some reason she has resigned herself that in the end, it's going to be a boy, and his name will be Junior!

Our air quality here is awful. The news says it's 3 times worse than L.A. So the gloom and doom doesn't really seem to help with my January blues.

On Dec. 4th a man in our ward announced that he's been diagnosed with stomach and liver cancer. Jim just turned 50 and is a wonderful man - good with our kids and has a heart of gold. Since he got the news, his health has quickly gone down hill. It's been a tough thing to watch and the doctor says he only has a few days left.

His oldest son left on a mission in September and since he left, Jim made a promise to go to the temple every week for the two years his son is away. He bore his testimony this past fast Sunday, and had a lot of trouble making it to the stand, and asked the members of the ward to help him keep his goal of going to the temple every week.

He talked about the blessings he's received by attending regularly and inspired me to be better about going. Saturday happened to be our ward temple night, so Glen and I found a babysitter and were able to go. I have to say it was one of the best sessions I have ever attended. The session was huge. The room capacity is 200 and 208 people squeezed in. I'm glad we went because there was a beautiful spirit there.

I was trying to find pictures to share that put a smile to my face and these pictures seems to do the trick. The kids took my camera out of my purse and took turns taking pictures of each other. Sometimes I wonder if I should worry as I flip through them?


Andy and Adrienne Bass said...

Kendi! I hate the weather in Salt Lake in January. It certainly makes life dull and hard to breathe. CONGRATS on baby #3! I am a few weeks from #4 and my body is so ready to be done. Was Jim anyone who lived there back when we did? It sounds hard. Love your family pictures. I was scared of having my picture taken when pregnant, so I conveniently positioned most of my children in front of my belly for our photo card we sent out for Christmas. Yikes! Take care and can't wait to find out what you are having!

CB said...

Kendi it seems like alot of people are having the January blues or the after Christmas blues or whatever it amounts too.
I'm sorry to hear about the sweet man in your ward - things like that are tough but what blessings you all received attending that session - Just wonderful!
I hope you see sunshine - that seems to help.
Have a better Tuesday!

Maude said...

January is a tough month for lots of people, I think, me included. It's so darn long and GRAY! Thanks for sharing the touching story about the man in your ward. People like that are truly an inspiration, don't you think?
Love the "cut up" pictures of Bess and Carter. They really seem to enjoy each other.
Take care. Spring is not far away.
Love you all.


Moore Family said...

The air quality is really, really bad. You can smell it as soon as you walk out the door. There's supposed to be some wind and a little rain/snow in the next day or two to clear it out - so says the weather man. Hang in there. Winter will be over before you know it.

Jim is a great man - such a good example. He's been very loving with our kids and is an all around, genuinely good guy. His health has deteriorated so quickly and it has been tough to watch him and his family deal with this cancer. But his faith is strong and has really carried him. He knows that when his time is up, he'll go to a much better place. He's been a big inspiration these past couple months to everyone.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for blogging anyway, Kendi! I know what you mean about fighting sometimes to find the good in every day! I love the funny pictures of your kids. Sorry about the man in your ward with cancer. I hope his son gets to see him before the end of his mission.

Jess said...

Those pictures make me smile! I love the candids.

So sad to read that man's blog. It just makes you realize more and more how precious life is. Our prayers are with his family.

How are you feeling these days? How far along are you?

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Thanks Kendi for sharing your feelings. Indeed there are lots of down times along with up times. The pictures of cute silly kids was funny.

Thanks for having Susan and Eric over for dinner while they were doing their college investigation trip. I missed being there a lot.

Love you, Mike

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Actually, thanks for indulging us in our Cafe Rio fix and joining us for dinner while we were there! Coming over to Utah definitely helped me with my January blues. I find it really helps to plan some sort of diversion to get me through the month. It's a toughy every year! We noticed the gloomy, yucky air and missed our clean Colorado air, but we sure loved seeing lots of our kids, so it was worth it!

I'm sorry about your friend in the ward too. He sounds like he was a great man. That's amazing that you had 208 people in your session. That's wonderful!

Carter and Bess crack me up!

love you,