Sunday, January 17, 2010

THE holidays

Believe it or not Christmas DID come to our house. It was a quiet one, but we did have a good time and enjoyed our time together.
My dad was a great man and brought my grandma to spend Christmas with us here in Salt Lake. We were lucky to have them. Christmas eve night was spent here at our house complete with the acting out of the Christmas story. The kids did a great job in entertaining us.

Christmas morning came awfully early (8:00 am). We spent a very quiet morning here with just the 4 of us. We had our own little Christmas miracle. Santa brought Carter not just one but two Zhu Zhu pets. As soon as Bess saw that he got them she was a little sad that she didn't get one herself. Without any hesitation Carter quickly handed one of his over to her. Even though it sounds like a little thing, with all the fighting that goes on most of the time, we'll take what we can get!

We were so lucky to have daddy home a few extra days. He does THE best job of entertaining, even when he only has one had to work with.

One day was spent out in the mounds of snow we received. He and the kids created a Snow-Dino, which ended up being the talk of the town. Okay not the whole town but at least our little area. We are still able to sit on him, even though he's been decapitated by the warmer weather.


Jess said...

What happened to Glen's arm? That stinks! Sounds like a great holiday. Sometimes the quieter ones are the best- at least in my opinion.

Glad you got to see your Dad and Grandma. I bet the kids loved that too.

That Dino is awesome. Way to go!

Cheri said...

It looks like you had a fun holiday. That diosour is AWESOME! Too cute!

Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Seriously-who sculpts for their children a dino made out of snow? That Glen of yours is a keeper.

Erin said...

Very impressive snow dino! Glad you guys had a good holiday. How are you feeling, Kendi?
Love, Erin

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I love to see those adorable shining eyes on Christmas. There is nothing quite like having small children on Christmas even though it's a lot of work. I like the dino Glen. There's a lot of fun around your house.

Love, Dad

Maude said...

What cute pictures of the kids doing the Christmas story. They look so happy! Carter, I can tell you made a super donkey, and Bess, you look perfect for a character from the New Testament.

The dino is absolutely wonderful. I can see how it would be a hit in the neighborhood, and how much Bess and Carter loved it. Too bad such works of art have to melt!

Love you all.


Moore Family said...

Those nativity pictures are funny. Bess was really owning that part as the shephard - quite the performer!


Jenny Moore said...

Love the dino!!!
Very fun!

Paul and Joni said...

Glen made one of those before, looks just as good. Carter is a great older brother, that was very sweet of him and I'm sure Bess will always remember that. Hope your blues are going away

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Cute pictures! That's your dad with the broken arm, right? Not Glen?! I'm a little confused!! Cute dinosaur. The nativity looks so great. I miss those days so much!

Hang in there with the hamsters. They are smelly, but if the kids love them, it's worth it! I think! Maybe you could trade in the biter for a nicer one!!

Love you lots,