Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Happy New Year

Just thought we would share some of our family pictures with you all. It was a very cold day but our photographer made it so fun, especially with the yummy cotton candy that she brought. There were over 100 great images that we love, now we just need to start plastering them on the walls!
Hope you all had a great holiday and this next year has great things in store for us all.


Gygi Family said...

Love the photos! Such a cute family. Can't wait for the new addition to come!!! :)

Jenny Moore said...

Those photos are super cute!!!
When is the baby due? That is so exciting!!!

Maude said...

We have "needy" walls. You can plaster those awesome pictures on them anytime! Good photographer - - -but she had great subjects!

Love you all,

Paul and Joni said...

Adorable! Those are unique and fun pictures. You guys are super cute!


CB said...

Love the pictures Kendi!
We just got ours done too and I was in love with so many of them that I made a Blurb book out of them all - just sayin' you can only hang so many (wink).

Love that there was cotton candy - I am all over that!! So cute!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas :D

Happy New year!

Moore Family said...

Clearly I'm the least photogenic of the bunch, but hey, I can live with that. Kendi, thanks for not putting up the one where I look like a wax museum statue!

I love those photos - need a couple for my desk at work.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Those are seriously some of the cutest pictures ever!! You all look so great and they are unique and we love them!


Craig S Bonham said...

so adorable. i love them all. where have you been??

Jess said...

Those are great pictures! I love the black and white combo you guys are wearing! You all look great.

I can't wait to get new family pictures!