Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Come, come sit on my hamster poo filled couch!

It's taken me some time to actually own up to the fact that we (minus I) are proud owners of, not just one but two, furry stinky hamsters.
Yes, in fact I may or may not have even tried getting divorce papers over these rodents.

You ask why would something so cute and furry cause so much grief?
And my response would be something like this (their crap; the s*^t); "THE POOP!!!" Oh, the poop!
You don't have to be inspector gadget to see the trail our little friends leave behind. My first freak-out happened to be over finding little black pellets left on our couch. The kids now have very specific rules of when and where they can hold Lola and Carmel. Maybe it's the nesting that's going on in me? or maybe I am just over the top O.C.D.?! Glen don't answer that!

You won't find Carmel in these pictures because Carmel is mean and bites. Carter very happily chose Lola for his own soon after finding out Carmel (which by the way, is gray) doesn't like to be picked up and will bite if you try. Carmel rules the hamster cage. She tells Lola when she can run in the hamster wheel and where she can sleep. Carter doesn't like that much!

Another thing I didn't know is that hamsters are nocturnal. So after a couple sleepless nights, on my part, we appropriately moved the hamsters downstairs.

I've now given the hamsters a couple months of getting their bowels in control. In the meantime, I've been researching some quick painless deaths. Time will only tell!


Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Sorry, but those hamster pics are kind of cute. But-I could have told you the horrible stink of them. I got a hamster after I was first married, kind of like wanting a kid but didn't want the responsibility. It died on me, and so did the next 3. After the last one died we did not replace it. Too stinky. I knew I was pregnant with Addison because all of a sudden I couldn't stand the smell of it, and no one else could smell it but me. It was horrid! And it was a girl to boot so it stunk even worse. And the poop pelletts are no fun either.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

This is not a very encouraging adventure. With animal loving children (is there any who aren't) we have been under constant pressure to get cute furry little buggers. In reality hamsters poop, are noisy, and mostly just a plain nuisance. One nice thing is they don't last very long. Our best pick has been a kitten. She uses her box (in a remote part of the house), is quiet, fun to play with, cuddly, and makes us laugh. Our allergic (to cats) son plays with her a limited amount, and has learned how to manage the allergies without too much trouble. You have my sympathy and best wishes.

Love, Dad

Paul and Joni said...

I had to get a tetanus shot in my butt when my hamster bit me. I never really forgave him for that. It's okay Kendi, even non O.C.D'ers hate poo on the couch!


Maude said...

Lola is adorable, but they DO smell, for sure, and I'm sure that's amplified for you by the pregnancy.
Glen will remember "Shocking Pedro," and Melecia will tell you long epic stories about her kids' hamster, "Captain Shiv." (He was like a giant, alive rug!) I guess we can hope they're soon off to "hamster heaven," but don't hold your breath! Emmy had a mosquito fish that was supposed to live 4 weeks and lasted 4 years.
Meanwhile, newspapers are a good thing.

Love you,

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Nothing in the rodent family is cute to me! Did I ever tell you that I once tried to fix a hamsters tail for my broken hearted nephew. If that is not love I don't know what is! I can't stand to touch the varmits!

Anonymous said...

Oh, your hamsters are much cuter than ours were. You are going throuh the hamster phase. I paid $75 for a vet to re-attatch our hamsters eye after the other hamster gouged it out - all because of a crying child who loved their hamster. Unfortunately, we put Hannah's hamster into cardiac arrest by putting it in the drivers seat of the barbie convertible, and sending it on a drive. Good luck with the hamster poop!

Moore Family said...

I think they're actually some of the cutest hamsters I remember seeing but the gray one (Sparkles) is going to have to go. In the middle of the night, hamster screams wake me up. When I investigate, its Sparkles beating up Lola to get her to move. The kids know that we've got to take Sparkles back to the store and they're actually ok with it.

Kendi - it could be worse. At least you don't have to clean the cage.


Jess said...

Oh man, I didn't know they were that messy! That would drive me crazy too. Sorry. They are kind of cute though.

Hope they learn to behave! Good luck with that.

Take care!

Tyler and Jaimee said...

This post cracks me up! I am totally not an animal/rodent or anything else person but they are pretty cute! That is gross they are so messy. I like the house you put them in and the pink crib though. haha. You guys are so funny!