Monday, December 21, 2009

Fa la la la la la la la la la

Bess had two Christmas programs this year. One was for dance. It was a very quick little performance for the mothers. They did one tap and one ballet number each. I think she makes one pretty cute little Rudolf.

Her preschool also put on a great little performance with quite a few songs and even a dance. It was a fun day full of sweets, wearing Pajamas, and a visit from Santa.

Bess and her friend Emily


amylouwhosews said...


I'm coming in Jan. Lora and I talked about getting together with you and Heather. We need to coordinate! Will be so fun to see you!

Maude said...

You look cute as a button, Bess! I so wish I could have been there to hear you sing and watch you dance. What a fun,fun way to get in the spirit of Christmas!

Love you lots and lots.


Cheri said...

She does make a cute Rudoff! It looks like she had a GREAT Day!

Jenny Moore said...

What a cute little Rudolph!
She is darling!

Erin said...

Very cute. It's changed my mind after leaving lunch with my friend and her baby who had a poop EXPLOSION. Wasn't so excited about kids after that, but these pictures are adorable. Thanks Bess. :)


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

We love those pictures! How fun it is to have an adorable daughter. We have four-year old Mia with us this Christmas. It wouldn't be Christmas without small children.

Much love and happy returns.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

so adorable!! Wish we lived nearby so we could see all the sweet recitals!!

Jess said...

She is so cute! I bet she is loving dance.

I love the programs that they do. Hope you had a fabulous Christmas.

Tyler and Jaimee said...

What a cute little tap dancer! Bess is so cute.
Tyler said he heard you were pretty sick so far in your pregnancy... are you doing okay? that does not sound fun! hope you are feeling better.