Monday, February 01, 2010

In with a Bang.....

.....or a little late night puking.

I was so excited to actually see the last day of January on my calendar. It's not my favorite month, if you can't tell. I am sure in other parts of the world it's a beautiful time of year, but here in Utah it is not.
February is much better! About 2:30 this morning I woke to the sound of puking. I always feel so bad for my kids when they have to puke. And in true Bess form, she's very dramatic about it too. Takes after her dad!

Bess is at a very fun stage right now. She's eating up the fact that she's going to be a BIG sister. In fact, that is all she prays about at dinner. Maybe we should teach her the appropriate way to bless the food? but her prayers are too sweet to stop her.
I was kinda bummed to find out she can't come to the ultrasound, with the "no kids at the hospital" rules. She's so very sure the baby is going to be a boy but really would love a "gull baby".
Bess has a hard time saying her R's. We constantly get told she sounds like a little British girl. While in the long run this might cause some problems, we find it very sweet right now to listen to her talk.
She's become quite the little popular thing at preschool. Almost everyday she has a new play date.
I overheard the following conversation while sitting in the car with the kids the other night. They had found an old receipt and were pretending it was Santa's naughty list/good list.
Carter was asking Bess different kids from her preschool that were on the good list and different ones that were on the naughty.
Carter: "The number one person on the good list is Jesus."
Bess: "Well after all Jesus and Santa are cousins."

Carter still keeps us all busy. He's a good kid and we hear it constantly, but he sure knows how to work us over at home, especially his mom. I think we're too much alike!
He continues to do great at school and I've noticed just how much he enjoys math. I hope that continues.
He's also become quite the little author. I often find stories that he's written, on the computer, left on my night stand to read before bed. I've definitely enjoyed his sweet gestures.
Here's a sampling of one of his very fist stories written: (it's amazing to me that he knows how to use our computer program better than I to write his stories).

Tiger the 1

Once there was a tiger named Tigris. He loved the lake, loved to eat and loved to play with his balls. One day, Tigris met a friend. His name was Titan. They had fun, liked to play together and chase other animals. Their favorite animals to chase are deer and moose. One day they saw a deer they caught it then they were happy.

We're excited for what February has in store for us and even more excited to bid January goodbye. Our kids are our entertainment and joy in life and we wouldn't have it any other way!


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Jesus is # 1 on the Christmas list, and he and Santa are cousins? I LOVE it!! I love your descriptions of those two adorable children. I don't understand why Bess can't go hear the baby's heartbeat. Maybe you could borrow a stethoscope to let her listen. That is a priceless blog. Thank you so much for sharing.

Love, Dad

Paul and Joni said...

Carters story is the best - you have to save those! I love reading the stories Paul wrote when he was a lil tot.
We are anxiously awaiting to find out the gender of Ellie's newest cousin!


Moore Family said...

I hate seeing little kids sick. Bess has been a real trooper - very upbeat through the whole thing which has really surprised me. When I'm sick, I'm definitely not in a good mood.

Hopefully by July, the H1N1 scare will be over and hospitals will start letting kids back in for visits. Bess will be a great big sister.


The Dorny Family said...

It's fun to hear some cute Bess and Carter stories. I'm sorry about the puking, though. We've had our share of that lately. When is the ultrasound? Exciting...

Joel said...

Having sick kids doesn't sound too fun. I love to hear the creative and off-the-wall things your kids say, and Carter's story cracked me up.

Maude said...

Thanks for the neat blog, Kendi. Love hearing the "Carter and Bess Perspective" on life. I too love the cousin angle on Jesus and Santa. Hadn't thought of that!
Carter, your story is excellent - - a plot, characters, action, even plot resolution! Wow! Of course, I was rooting for the deer, but oh well. You look SO grown up in that blog picture.

I hope Bess is quickly well. It's no fun being sick.
Can't wait for more news about the new baby.

Love you all,

Anonymous said...

That's a great blog to catch up with everyone! I love "gull baby". Cecily still has trouble with some sounds too. Carter sounds like a hunter! I love his stories!

Cheri said...

I just love to read your blog! Your kids are so sweet. I have no doubt that Bess will be a great big sister! Wish we lived closer! You know you are always welcome here in the valley of the sun. Take advantage of your Mom, and come visit! ;)