Sunday, November 02, 2014

Bearded Dragon Stage

Oh man, I never thought we would survive this infatuation of lizards stage!  Like I really thought one of us would die before it was over!

For about 3 weeks Carter watched every you-tube video EVER made of Bearded Dragons, asked to go to the pet store constantly, and talked non stop about all he had learned about them.
I was really starting to worry and I was really getting frustrated!!!
These were his last weeks of summer, he should be out enjoying them!

Glen of course saw the good in the situation and decided it would be better to use Carter's energy in  a productive manner with the whole obsession! 

So one morning while out on my walk what do I see all over the neighboring doors?

His marketing guru father thought he should save some money to buy himself a lizard, meanwhile distracting him from sitting at the computer and pet store every minute!

We were glad that Carter had done all the research for us on what it's like to have a bearded dragon for a pet.  It was easy to make our decision after learning they live far longer then Carter would be in our home and off on a mission and college!  That sealed our deal.  

We had lots of tears, yelling, and glares......but making that final decision really helped move our obsession on to something else.....HAMSTERS!  (story to be continued)


Unknown said...

I love the flyer. Very professional - - -and a great idea, dragon or not! I admire Carter's determination. It will come in handy at times. Love him - - -and all of you.

Unknown said...

P. S. They're kind of cute little lizards, but I'd have to agree about the longevity issue! :)