Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Carter and Glen decided to take some snowboarding classes this year. In these videos this is their 4th lesson. I was quite surprised to see just how great both of them are already doing.
Carter has decided he thinks he'll stick to skiing. Always a good thing to figure out.
We're so lucky to have about 4 ski resorts within a 15 minute drive.

Next year Bess and I (Kendi) are going to take lessons. We're both very excited!

Sorry about the sideways videos, can't figure out how to turn them!?


Maude said...

Impressive! They both look great- - and I'm also impressed that Glen put himself out there to learn a whole new sport so share that with Carter. Way to go you guys!

Love you all lots.

Jenny Moore said...

That was impressive!!!
Way to go guys!!!!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Many of our 11 kids are expert with snow boarding and we all ski. That takes courage and a strong will to learn to snow board when you have been on skis most of your life. I think those memories of ski lessons and family time in our beautiful Rocky Mountains will live on forever. What a great tradition it is to maintain in our family. It's so expensive now, you are really blessed to be able to have your family enjoy downhill sports.

Love you.