Sunday, April 17, 2011

Seattle Trip March 18-21 2011

My brother has lived in Seattle for the last 3 years and we finally took a trip out to see how he lives life. It was such a great trip that was WAY too short. He was a great tour guide and it was lots of fun to see where he works and lives.
We did lots of eating, shopping, walking and visiting. I have to say by far my favorite thing though was just being with all my siblings. It's so great that we are now all grown adults and really do enjoy each other. My other favorite thing was touring the hospital where he works. Pretty intense stuff he does every night. He saves lives and that's pretty awesome!

Maggie was a pretty good traveler. She had lots of people willing to hold her which really helped me. This was her 2nd plane trip.

The first night in true Seattle fashion we got rain. It didn't stop us from doing a little touring downtown and eating at the cheesecake factory.

The next morning we slept in and it felt so good! It was a beautiful day and perfect for touring Pikes Market and the surrounding area. Ryan didn't mind carrying Maggie around, she attracted alot of attention, mostly the women folk! Even random people were asking to take her picture?!
As we were walking down to Pikes Market there just happened to be a protest going on against the war. We walked the same path as the protest. It was quite interesting and kinda funny.

My cousin Abby also flew in to join in the fun. It was great to have her around. My mom's cousin lives close by and also tagged along for the weekend.

The next day consisted of eating way too much food and shopping. The trip was just not long enough to get it all in. We'll be back!

It was a great trip. Seattle is a fun city. I can hardly wait to go back! Thanks Ry!


Anonymous said...

ha ha the last picture of Maggie sums up our whole trip, stuffing our faces! oh well that's the best part of vacations. It really was a lot of fun! I love being with all my siblings!


Jenny Moore said...

Looks like a fun trip!!
Always nice to get away!

Maude said...

Sounds wonderful! Seattle and a mini family reunion, all in one. Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for all the great photos.
Love you,

Maude said...

Sounds wonderful! Seattle and a mini family reunion, all in one. Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for all the great photos.
Love you,

Jess said...

Looks like fun! I love trips with all my siblings. It is amazing how much you get along when you get older and want to be together. So glad you had a great get-away. Cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

It was so fun to be with all my kids, we do enjoy that uncle Ryan and his personality. Thanks ryan for having us!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Looks like so much fun!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting guys! It was great to have you. Come back soon............... but not too soon!
-Uncle Ryan

Anonymous said...

Seattle sounds and looks so great -I have to go someday! We had some great nurses in the ICU with Cecily and Livi - It's great that he does that kind of work! You are all pretty good looking, and Maggie looks like a first class lady of leisure on the airplane!


Cheri said...

It looks like you guys had an Awesome time! Time with family is the best......for the most part. :) I love the last picture of Bess, sometimes I feel that way too! :)