Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Decade Later

Glen and I were married 10 years ago today on a beautiful spring day. A perfect day. I wish everyday life could be as perfect as that day......but I am glad I married the perfect person and together we have a near perfect life!!!

I feel pretty lucky to have 10 years under our belts and these 3 cute kids to show for it!
I am so glad we found each other!


Moore Family said...

Hard to believe it's been 10 years - it's gone by so fast. Happy Anniversary.


Maude said...

Happy Anniversary, you two! I remember the day well. Love you both - - -and your three great children - - a bunch. Very nice blog, Kendi.

Love you.

Jenny Moore said...

Happy Anniversary!
I remember that day, it was a beautiful!!
Cute kiddos!!

CB said...

Happy Anniversary - that is a great milestone!!

I hope you have a perfect celebration!!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Happy Anniversary. What a beautiful day it was, and how nice it is to hear after 10 years you are so glad to be married to each other. Bless you to continue together forever.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I can't believe it's been 10 years! That was such a wonderful wedding and such a fun time to get to go to Cut Bank! You are a wonderful couple and you have a beautiful family. We love you!!


Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary Glen and Kendi, you do have such a cute bunch of kids that sprang up from your marriage. Gramma loves them so much and the time I get to spend with all of you, thanks! Go out and have a nice evening and gramma will owe you a babysitting night

Love Mom

Regina said...

What a cute picture! It seems like yesterday at your reception in CB when Zach was tearing the bows off of your gifts :) (I can definitely tell he was my first, since I was mortified, but now, I would be a bit more relaxed about it :)
Happy Anniversary!

Jess said...

I still remember your bridal shower I was lucky enough to come too. I can't believe it has been 10 years. We are not far behind. Congrats and yes your family is precious!