Sunday, February 06, 2011

Say it ain't so!

It's really going WAY too fast. 7 months today.
She's crawling
has 2 teeth
really wants to keep up with her siblings (I haven't decided if it's because she wants to get away from them or to be doing what they are doing)!


Regina said...

She is too cute, Kendi!

Jess said...

Oh my gosh, she is a cutie! I can't believe it has been 7 months! Crazy.

Maude said...

She just makes me smile! And she IS growing way too fast! Seeing her standing was kind of a shock to me for some reason! Slow down there, Maggie girl!

Love you all.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I can't believe she's crawling! She is so cute and so much fun!

Anonymous said...

That must be so funny to walk into her room and see her waiting for you looking like that! Great picture! We kept your Christmas card photo up and several people have commented what a beautiful baby she is!

Paul and Joni said...

Good luck keeping up with her Kendi! She has that "go" look in her eyes. Love her.
