Saturday, January 01, 2011

Christmas Week

****these pictures are in no particular order****

We've had a great Christmas & a great break from school. I can hardly believe that I actually don't want the kids to go back, even with all the fighting.

We were very lucky this year to have my Grandma come and spend it with us. The kids love their Great Grandma Mary and so do I. My parents did most of the work to get her here, and yes it's ALOT of work, and for that we are very grateful. We even had Grandpa and Grandma here Christmas morning! Lucky us!

Poor Maggie was sick most of Christmas. Dang ear infections! She tried her hardest to be happy. I am almost 100% sure that she has to be teething too.

Christmas evening was spent at my sister Brenda's house. We had a yummy ham dinner along with playing some good old Wii. Family really is the best thing about Christmas. Grandma Mary bought all the girls these cute hats.

Christmas eve was spent together going to the movie. The adults minus Grandma and I went to see True Grit. Grandma was nice enough to take all the kids to Yogi Bear and I just tagged along last minute. I wasn't even too upset when I spent most of the time out in the hall with Maggie.

It's been so great having Daddy home a few extra days here and there. He's been very busy entertaining. He's taken the kids to movies, swimming, bowling, and played multiple games with them. He wanted to take the kids sledding and skiing but it's been way too cold. Like single digits COLD! Brrrr.....

We even got a quick little visit from our favorite 1 year old. The kids love Aunt Joni! and Paul too.


CB said...

I'm so happy to hear you guys had a wonderful Christmas with your family!
I think it is so special that you were able to have your Grandma there! This is my second Christmas without my Grandma and it is still weird - I thought she would be here forever. It's nice to spend as much time as you can with those you love!

Happy New Year!

Jenny Moore said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas!!!
Everyone looks so cute and happy!

Paul and Joni said...

I'm glad we got to see you guys, even if it was just for one whirlwind afternoon. At least we made time for the Barbie dance... I'm pretty sure Glen and Paul showed everyone up :)
Kendi, will you email me the pics you took? I LOVE the one of Ellie and Maggie!!


Anonymous said...

It looks like your Christmas was full of family! I'm so glad your Grandparents could be there. She looks like she's enjoying all the children! Family really is what makes Christmas! I know how you feel about it being over too quickly.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

That is so nice that your grandma came! She looks so happy to be surrounded by all those cute kids. I love those hats she gave the girls! Did she make them???

Love you all lots and lots!


The Dorny Family said...

I'm a little jealous of all of your family pictures. We were very much on our own this year. We did enjoy some 50 degree weather, however, so I'm not envying your single digit weather.