Monday, January 03, 2011

New Trick

Enjoy, while I think of a way to make her stop growing!


Jenny Moore said...

When you can figure out how to make them stop growing you'll have a great business!!!
She is a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

oh my favorite girl! I just love her sooo much!


Maude said...

What an absolute cutie! And thanks for all the other neat pictures of Christmas you've posted. We enjoyed them all. After seeing all those pictures, I wonder about your statement about not enjoying Christmas. I think you did! :)

Love you,

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I really enjoyed the pictures of this and your previous Christmas blog. Glen's focus on multiple activities makes me dizzy. You have a wonderful family. We miss seeing you and love you very much.

Jess said...

Wow, good job Maggie! I think it's nice when they can sit up and play with toys (and still not move :)

She is a cutie!