Sunday, January 09, 2011

Bear or Monkey???

.....or Helga the Viking baby (as Glen calls her look).

Maggie turned 6 months on the 6th.

-This little girl definitely knows what she likes, and what she DOESN't.........she's not afraid to let you know about!
-She has one little tooth that is trying it's hardest to come through and it's making her life miserable.
-Not only can she sit but she also get on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth and then when she sees something she wants she kind of leaps at it landing on her belly.
-She loves her sister and brother. No one can make her laugh quite like them.
-Her blankets and bottom lip are still her favorite soother.
-Her favorite time of day is bath time & her least favorite is getting dressed!

I think it's pretty obvious this little girl has taken over the blog & has us all wrapped around her chubby little finger! Life is just so much more exciting with her around!


Maude said...

Helga! I like that! There definitely has been a baby blog invasion, but how can we protest when we see all those cute pictures?! I can't believe she's already becoming mobile. Thanks for sharing. She's one cute little girl!
Love you all,

Anonymous said...

I think you forgot another one of her favorites is her aunt Megan! those pictures couldn't be any cuter! I love her so much!


Jess said...

Those pictures are adorable. Man, her blue eyes are amazing!

I can't believe she is 6 months already. What a sweetheart. Darn teeth. Hope it pops through soon.

Regina said...

She is so darn cute- those big, beautiful blue eyes- what a sweetie! Love Glen's name for her in her hat- that's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Love the hat! Her eyes are hypnotic! Beautiful!


Gygi Family said...

SERIOUSLY those are the CUTEST pictures! SO FUN!

Moore Family said...

Reminds me of that "Kill the Rabbit!" cartoon where Elmer Fudd is seduced by Bugs Bunny riding on a huge white horse. She just needs a spear and a magic helmet for the full effect.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Sooo cute!

The Dorny Family said...

She is way, way too cute!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I'm jealous that Susan gets to see your youngest darling and two other babies==a new one and a nine month old one. She's in seventh heaven. I'll try to get out there this summer when we can drive and take Hannah to some Utah colleges for preview. That is a most adorable baby and your photography skill really shows.


CB said...

She is just the cutest thing Kendi!! I absolutely LOVE those hats that are so popular right now. This one with the little ears is perfect for personality pictures!!
Great pictures and Lucky you for having such a sweet girl (all your kids are sweet I know!).

Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

I always peek at your blog to see if you've updated, and well, you haven't. But I don't mind because I love looking at that cute little baby. Stellar pictures, even better model!