Saturday, November 06, 2010

4 months young


I had my moment the other day. I put size 2 diapers on Miss Maggie and they fit. I teared up a bit. That night when I was going to bed, I cried. My baby is growing up & watching it is hard on me this time. Pretty positive our family is complete and she's growing way too fast!


CB said...

I love her eyes. And they do grow way too fast!

I thought I was done after my third too but never got the "confirmation" till after my 5th - that is why there are 5 year gaps in between - LOL!!

Hope you are feeling great Kendi!!

Anonymous said...

She's the cutest! I lover her sooo much. You need to keep having kids so I don't ever have to! ha ha


Maude said...

What a cutie! Love her to pieces. Is her hair getting redder, or is it just the light?

Jenny Moore said...

Time goes way too fast! I look at Emmy who is now a teenager and remember her like Maggie...can't we make time stop?!

Anonymous said...

Nah, you got a lot of time. She's still drooling on herself ! Seriously though she is a cute one. Beautiful blue eyes. I need to come meet the little stinker soon. Hope you are all well.

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture! She's a firecracker!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

She is so darling! Love those eyes and all her pretty dark hair. They do grow up fast and there's not a thing you can do about it! Just enjoy every minute!

Love ya,

amylouwhosews said...

I feel your pain. Seriously. I'm right there with you.

(PS - I just bought some Schiff supplements today - I didn't know Glen worked there!)