Wednesday, October 06, 2010

My Blue-Eyed Girl

Today Maggie is 3 months old. Wow how time has really flown by.
This past month with her has really been fun for me. She is a very sweet little girl, now!
She's my best sleeper. Puts herself to sleep & goes to bed by 8 and I don't hear from her until about seven hours later. She's awesome.

Other facts about Maggie:
  • HATES her carseat
  • loves baths
  • loves to give kisses and growls while she's giving them
  • has the chubbiest thighs
  • is very ticklish and gives great laughs
  • has a VERY loud cry, usually when she's in her carseat
  • has beautiful eyelashes that curl up
  • sucks on her bottom lip when she's trying to soothe herself or go to sleep
This little girl brings so much joy to our house. We feel so blessed to have her!


Moore Family said...

Ahhh! Those pictures just melt your heart. She really is a sweetheart. I love it when she tries to eat your face and growls. Or when she sees you and breaks out into a full convulsive smile. Being a parent is the best thing on earth - no doubt!


Tyler and Jaimee said...

Shes adorable!! I love her little DKNY jacket! That is so funny she growls and tries to eat your face! She has gotten so big so fast! What a little cutie. Im so glad to hear shes sleeping good! The begining of no sleep is definitely the hardest!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful pictures. Do you think she'll be a redhead? I love her eyes, lashes, and eyebrows. Thanks for telling about what she does since we won't see her for a while! I'm glad she's getting easier! They do go through "rotten" stages for sure, then sweet again.


Maude said...

Oh my gosh! She's so cute, and I can't believe how much she's grown! I especially love her expression in that first picture. Maybe eating her face is her way of kissing?

Paul hated the car seat, too. Maybe he has some magic answers for you.

Can't wait to see you all!


Regina said...

She is just the sweetest Kendi- what a little doll. And I am so happy she is a good sleeper! Regan is 2 1/2, I am still waiting for a good night's sleep :).
I have a gift for Maggie, hopefully I'll get my act together and send it down soon!

Jenny Moore said...

Beautiful eyes for sure!!
I'm jealous that she is a sleeper, I've never had one of those, I think I got in the wrong line somewhere in heaven!!
She is a cutie for sure!

Cheri said...

Oh Kendi, She is so CUTE! Can I squish her chubby little thighs??! :) I love chubby babies! I can't help but smile when I look at those pictures. You and Glen have the cutest kids!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

She is so darling! Her eyes are so expressive and such a pretty blue! We love her so much! What I wouldn't give to live in that house across the street!!!!

Have fun on your trip!


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

What a beautiful baby girl! The pictures and your description of Maggie touch the strings of my heart.

The Dorny Family said...

Maggie is so sweet. I'm glad you have a good sleeper--it seems like we never have an uninterrupted night at our house.