Monday, October 11, 2010

It's the Great Pumpkin

Glen decided this year instead of growing lots of pumpkins he was going to grow one HUGE pumpkin. He took great care all summer long growing this massive pumpkin. We got the seeds from our neighbor down the street last fall and have been saving them all winter long. I won't go into great details of what Glen had to all do, but we all enjoyed watching it grow.

Glen figured out how much the pumpkin weighs by measuring it (some special pumpkin weighing thing). He figures it weighs around 200lbs.
While we are thinking of cools ways to carve this years pumpkin, Glen is already planning ahead on how to make next years even bigger!


Moore Family said...

That's right suckas! I'm a pumpkin nerd now. We'll be taking one down to the Fair next year. :) Actually, those are about 3x bigger so I've got to get more pumkin growing skills before I'm ready for the big time.

Thanks to John and Ramona for the seeds and tips. John is the older gentleman helping carry it and grows them too.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

That is an amazing pumpkin! Good job, Glen! We are proud of your farming skills!


Joel said...

Holy crap! That's a huge pumpkin!

Anonymous said...

Wow Glen! Good job bud! I want to know what you did to get that!

CB said...

That is definately one Ginormous pumpkin! I can't wait to see how you guys carve it. You will definately have a years supply in pumpkin seeds!! :-D

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Wow! That's some pumpkin!! That will be fun to see how you can grow bigger and bigger pumpkins each year. I read about one here in Longmont that reached 1,200 pounds.


Cheri said...

Now that is a Pumpkin! I would be so proud of myself if I grew that! Way to go Glen! I wonder if we could grow one like that in AZ????

Jenny Moore said...

That is quite the pumpkin!
I wonder if the Great Pumpkin will come and visit!!!!

The Dorny Family said...

Impressive! A little nerdy, perhaps :), but I grew about 8 medium size tomatoes this year and some pole bean (which were disgusting), so I am jealous for sure.

Moore Family said...

Cheri - Let me know if you want seeds for next year. I'd imagine they'd grow pretty well in Arizona as long as you can shade the actual pumpkin and give it plenty of water. Pumpkins like heat.

Melecia - I didn't use any fertilizer other than our rabbit Dolly's droppings. They're perfect little time-release natural fertilizer. I pollinated the plant's female flowers with the male flowers as soon as the female flowers opened up. That way, the pumpkin didn't get cross-pollinated by another plant in the neighborhood. As it grew, I'd thin out the other pumpkins and bury the tendrills so that all the nutrients go to one or two pumpkins. It was pretty fun to watch and the kids got into it.


Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Glen and Brian need to get together and be in a pumpkin nerd club. Kidding. Sort of. :)

That's actually really cool. Brian is coveting a large pumpkin. He even bought a book on how to grow huge pumpkins. So this spring he's putting our garden in raised vegetable beds on the side of the house, and turning our real, dedicated garden to grow that "one" pumpkin.

Gygi Family said...

That is AWESOME! I LOVE the last picture with maggie on top! SWEET!

The Nannie Family said...

Wow, that's amazing. Good job!

Tyler and Jaimee said...

That is so funny! I remember when we were there for the blessing it was pretty huge but that thing is GIGANTIC! Way to go Glen!

I love that picture of your 3 kids with the pumpkin. I cant believe how big little Maggie is getting! You guys are so cute.

porterpies said...

Wow! That is impressive. You go Glen