Sunday, October 31, 2010

Football player, Mermaid, & Cat OH MY!

I think it's so great that in Utah they celebrated Halloween on Saturday this year instead of Sunday. Just one advantage to living here!

Friday the kids had the day off of school, another bonus! So Thursday was their Halloween parade and parties at school. I signed up to put Carter's class party on. What was I thinking? I truly don't enjoy planning parties. It's just not something I am good at. Poor kids, had a pretty lame party if you ask me. However they all seemed happy and it's over, that's all that matters!

While partying it up in Carter's classroom, Bess paraded through with her kindergarten class.

I stopped by her classroom just in time to see her modeling her costume!

Another advantage to living in Utah is having my two best friends here. My sisters are the best! My kids are also very lucky to have their cousins to grow up with. Spending Halloween with them was very fun!

Bess was in heaven! She LOVES herself some chocolate!

And our yet another bonus to living in Utah is Grandma and Grandpa's coming to visit! It's so great. Maggie was our little kitty.
I didn't go all out on her costume, but she was very happy and quite content with the way it all turned out.


Jess said...

they all look great. I am sure you did an amazing job on Carter's class party. Good for you for volunteering.

How fun to trick or treat with cousins. I am grateful we did it on Saturday too.

Maude said...

Way Cute! I knew Carter was going to be a football player, but hadn't heard about Bess and Maggie! What a fun time! And the party looks pretty fun to me! I think elementary school is the perfect time to really enjoy Halloween, and I'm sure your kiddos did. Thanks for sharing the cute pictures

We love you all.

CB said...

Looks like you guys had such a fun Halloween - I actually miss those days of parading through the classroom and the school parties - Great memories are made from those :-D

Jenny Moore said...

Cute kids!!
We need to get Meggy and Carter together...they'd make a good team!!!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Such cute little trick-or-treaters! I bet you did a great job as the party lady for Carter's class! The Bingo looked fun and that Ghost game too! You are amazing! So glad you have your sisters there and that your parents were there too! Fun! Lots of advantages to living in Utah! It pulls on my heartstrings to move there! We'll see!