Friday, October 29, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

Yes, indeed I am behind!

With the arrival of our little Maggie, we didn't get the chance to go to Ashton this summer. We love visiting Grandma and being in Ashton is like the cherry on top! We decided Labor day weekend was a great time for little R & R right before school craziness started.

We arrived just in time to do a fun little experiment that grandma had purchased and then off to bed!

The next day we planned a trip to Warm Springs to float down the river and have a picnic. Carter and Bess bravely hopped in the water on the tubes with daddy but soon realized that Warm Springs really wasn't very warm. Panic took over!

After a little lunch Grandma decided to show the kids that there wasn't anything to be afraid of and that she could even tough out that cold water!

Carter decided to give it another chance. He LOVED it!

It was a great long weekend. It was something we all needed. I know I took advantage of catching up on some lost sleep, it was heavenly. Pretty sure the dark circles under my eyes are screaming for a trip back!

Thanks Grandma!!!


Jenny Moore said...

There is no place like's great!!!!
Glad you got to go!

Maude said...

It was so fun - - -although too short! I loved Carter's comment: "I don't know why they call it Warm River, 'cause it's not very warm!" He seemed to accept my explanation that the river comes from a spring, so is always the same temp and never freezes. "Warm" is definitely a relative term, isn't it, Carter?

Love you all. I'll miss being in Ashton to see some of you for Thanksgiving or Christmas.


Maude said...

P. S. Can't believe how much little Maggie has grown!

Jess said...

Looks like a blast. I think that is so funny that the lake is actually cold.

I bet it was nice to have some R & R! Good for you.