Saturday, October 02, 2010

Carter's New Obsession

Carter started flag football two weeks ago. Bess has dance on the same night so I was unable to go watch his first game. Glen and Carter came home with the biggest smiles on their faces. I guess Carter happens to be a football prodigy?!
I decided this last week that I needed to see it for myself. I am not going to lie, I was quite impressed! He's awesome and made some great plays.
I hope he sticks with FLAG football and scraps the real football stuff. This mom can't handle the roughness of it all!

Maggie is so lucky and gets to tag along everywhere we (I) go.

She couldn't quite decide if she wanted to suck on her hand or lower lip to make it through this event. Poor little girl!


Maude said...

Wow! I'm also impressed! Way to go Carter! Looks like that end run was spectacular!

Little Maggie's getting the cheeks! That profile shot reminds me a lot of Bess, and the lips looks like yours, Kendi. What a cutie!

Love you all lots.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

That is so cool! I want to see him play. He looks like a prodigy for sure!

Maggie is darling!


Jess said...

I agree. I don't think I will be able to handle the roughness of football either. It scares me just thinking about it.

I think flag football would be so fun. he looks like he is an awesome little player. Way to go Carter.

Maggie does have kissable little cheeks. She is growing fast. What a cutie.

Paul and Joni said...

That does seem to fit Carter, he's a little speed demon. I love Maggie's facial expressions, she's gonna be another cute one.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised to hear that Carter is a natural at football. I think flag is just the beginning! Hope Bess enjoys her dance class. Maggie is very cute!


CB said...

You are doomed with the football! Once they love it they are in it!
It is rough but they learn to deal with it - the part I don't like is the langauge and it starts young so watch out for that.
Your little Maggie is such a sweetheart - Love her cute little cheeks. She looks like such a content little girl!