Monday, September 06, 2010

Two Months

Can't believe this little girl is already two months old. These last few months have really flown by. She keeps us on our toes or should I say pacing the floors. She hasn't been the happiest baby but we are coming up on better days and she is getting to be so smiley and alot happier. Some things about our little Maggie that I don't want to forget:
  • she doesn't like a pacifier (tried 4 different kinds)
  • loves to suck on her hands
  • has the worlds LOUDEST cry
  • we've known since she was a week old that she was going to have blue eyes
  • she doesn't like her car seat
  • she is trying hard to talk
  • already knows how to throw temper tantrums and arch her back when she's mad

This little lady is very loved! She's definitely turned our lives upside down but we really wouldn't change one thing about it!


Anonymous said...

Those pics are so adorable! I love her so much.

Aunt Megan

Maude said...

She's a doll, and we love her so much - - and her brother and sister. She definitely has her own ideas about life, but that's not all bad. Love that goofy little smile!


Madison Jefferies said...

What a little bundle of cuteness! No wonder i dibsed her as my favorite cousin... I'm stoked that another strong character is added to the family ;P. Haha you tried to name her June (Joon?) at first, but she would have none of that!

Jenny Moore said...

She is a cutie!!
Wish we could meet her in person, but we love the pictures!

Jess said...

happy 2 months. That really did go by fast. Jackson hated pacifiers too, but loves his fingers. It's quite handy at times :)
love her smile!

Anonymous said...

She's got a great smile and a mind of her own - deadly combination. She's so cute!

Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

What a beautiful little lady, and gorgeous eyes; but I wouldn't have expected less from you and Glen-such cute kids. I see both Carter AND Bess in her.

Liam hated his car seat too. Would scream when we'd put him in it and scream the whole time the car was not in motion. EVERY red light and stop sign would split our ears. At 4 months I finally put him in his convertible car seat (the carrier wasn't cutting it with his girth)and he began to love car rides. No more screaming.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Those pictures are so cute! What a darling little baby girl you have there!

Lots of love,

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Those are precious pictures. We enjoyed seeing the baby, and look forward to watch how she grows and adds more love into your loving family.

Thanks for sharing.
