Friday, July 09, 2010

We're In Love

Our lives have been totally turned in side out and we are loving every minute of it. Not alot of time to give details and such now but we just wanted to show off just how beautiful our little girl is. We can't get enough of her and are enjoying every second of her. She's pretty special.


Cheri said...

I have been checking your blog everyday to see when you were going to post a picture! She is Beautifull!!! I LOVE her name. Congrats to you guys, I am so happy for you!

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

She is very beautiful! I have been anxiously awaiting a picture of her. I bet your whole family is pretty excited that she is here. What did you name her?

CB said...

Congratulations!!! She is gorgeous!

Paul and Joni said...

I LOVE her! Now I just need to meet her so I can love her in person. She's friggin adorable - congrats!!!


Anonymous said...

She's SO pretty - and tan! Post more details soon!


Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Wow-you make really pretty babies. You should do it more often. Congrats you guys, can't wait to see you and her.

Paul and Joni said...

yahoo, happy for you guys!

The Dorny Family said...

So pretty and very much a Moore. What is her name? Details...

Gygi Family said...

TOO CUTE! Can't wait to some and see her! So happy for you and your family! I have been waiting for another pic!!! CONGRATS!!!!

Marianne said...

She is a sweet little muffin!! So glad we happened to walk by at the right time so we could see her for a bit...can't wait to see her again!!

Maude said...

I'm in love, too! She's so beautiful! She certainly looks like she belongs in your little family, but she also has a unique look that is just her own. We're thrilled, and can't wait to have our turn to hold her and cuddle her.

Congratulations all.

Love you.

Lora Bonham said...

Kendi, she is gorgeous. You guys make the prettiest babies! I can't wait to meet her.

Regina said...

She's gorgeous! Congratulations! (And that picture makes my uterus ache :)

j janell cf said...

she is so beautiful! i LOVE this picture! congratulations! can't wait to meet the newest moore in september!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

She is so darling! Babies are the best!! Enjoy every single second of her.

love you all,