Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Spring Things

We've had plenty of activities to keep us busy this last month.
First up is Carter's piano recital. He did awesome and I actually think he's starting to enjoy it. He'd never admit it but it's great to see him progress and enjoy some of the songs he's learning.

Every year for the past 6 years we've participated in the Cystic Fibrosis walk here in Salt Lake. My "bestie's" little girl Gracie was diagnosed with the disease when she was born, just a few short months after Carter.
This year Lora was in charge of the whole walk. She did an awesome job. The walk was held downtown Salt Lake. It was fun for the kids to ride their bikes on the streets of downtown. We had a fun morning and afternoon participating.
Next year I've promised myself to do more work in helping such a wonderful cause.

Next up is Bess's preschool program. We are quite sad preschool is over. She really enjoyed this school year and we are definitely going to miss her teachers and friends. Her and I are still adjusting to being together ALL day long. Those 3 hour 4 days a week were too good to us!

We also had the opportunity to attend Carter's first grade program. He did an awesome job at memorizing his own part and putting on quite a great little show!

That same day his school put on a special picnic lunch for family members. We got lucky on the weather and enjoyed a great lunch ALL together!
Only 1 and 1/2 more days left of school! We're so excited to sleep in and not make school lunches, WOO HOO!!!!

This year was Bess's
LOW key dance recital. She's a great little dancer and seemed to not be scared about being on the stage at all. We were very proud of her! She's waited all year for this special time to wear makeup. This little girl scares me. She asked me today to help her write, "I want to be a high school girl." Pretty sure that her emotions are just about there!

I figure if you've lasted this long reading this blog you deserve a good laugh, plus out of pure disgust, and just to show that I am actually at these events is a picture. It's all for your pure enjoyment! Who doesn't love a picture of a fat pregnant lady? Go ahead, click on it and blow that sucker up! It's a good one!


Jess said...

Kendi you look great! I can't believe how close you are. You make me laugh!

What a fun month indeed. I love all the end of school activities they do. It just means they are growing up. Amazing isn't it. Will Bess be in Kindergarten next year or does she have one more year of preschool? I bet 3 hours 4 days a week was nice. Man I'm jealous.

Loved all the pictures!

Cheri said...

I am laughing so hard, because you know everyone is going to click on that picture! You crack me up!
You guys have been busy! I'm glad you were able to enjoy some sunshine, and I am with you on school lunch! The last week of school, my kids got lunchables EVERYDAY! :)

The Dorny Family said...

I hadn't even thought about clicking the picture, but thanks for the tip. You look great actually--I know no one actually feels great at that stage--and you are almost there. Yay!

Maude said...

You're a riot, Kendi!("Blow that sucker up!) I'm still smiling You look mighty cute to me. And my, you've been busy, busy, busy. Thanks for sharing the cute photos of Carter and Bess. Awesome pictures of awesome kiddos. Wish I could have been there to hear Carter play and watch Bess dance. Maybe next time.
Love you all so much.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update you guys! I love that you've done that walk for four years, and that Carter mayyybeee likes piano, and that Bess is going to be a popular dancer/cheerleader in high school!
And your bump doesn't look too huge, and I know about huge! You'll have a fast recovery for sure!

Maude said...

P. S. I wanted to mention how neat I think it is that Carter and Bess also participated in the walk. It's such a great way to exemplify caring to them while they're young. Good for you.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Kendi. You are as attractive as ever. The bump comes and it goes. It's wonderful that you expose your family to good causes at a young age. You all look happy enjoying the sunshine.

Love, Mike

Tyler and Jaimee said...

You are so funny! I think you look so cute! I remember every picture we took towards the end of my pregnancy I hated!
Looks like you guys have been busy with some fun end of the year stuff. Bess is so cute I cant wait to go to little dance recitals! I am so excited for your little one to come. Bess and Carter will be such good older siblings!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

You are so funny! I think you look beautiful!

Looks like lots of fun activities for the end of school! Hope it's a fun summer!!

Love you,

CB said...

Kendi I came to check how you were doing! That baby is really getting close - So Awesome!! You look great btw. I know when you are so pregnant you don't feel that way but you sound like you have lots of energy and you look beautiful! (and YES everyone is going to click the pic ha ha)!

I love that you guys participate in the CF event there on SLC. My good friend and neighbor has 2 girls with CF. Such a serious disease but they are making strides. Definately everything helps and it is good to expose your kids to things like this too. Way to go!

Hope you are enjoying your summer!