Tuesday, May 04, 2010

A must watch


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

So touching! Such an amazing woman.

Maude said...

Very, very powerful, Kendi. Thank you so very much for sharing.


Jenny Moore said...

That was very powerful and touching. It helps put an emphasis on what is truly important.

Moore Family said...

Very touching story. Thanks for posting it Kendi.


Cheri said...

I loved that video! She makes me want to do better!

Anonymous said...

I watched that today and cried! I went to her blog and read some of that. She makes you so grateful to be alive and to be a mother!

Anonymous said...

That was a very touching story Kendi I loved it so much I could cry .Thank you for being the one to show that wounderful viedo .It makes me want to be a mother .I know everyone can be like her.

B A.K.A Becca