Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy 9th!

I told Glen the other night that I really can't believe it's only been 9 years since we've been married. He asked me if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
It's a good thing!
I can't imagine being any happier then I am on this 9th year with him.
Love you!


Jenny Moore said...

Congratulations on 9 years!!
We hope there are many more happy years to come!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Congratulations! You are an awesome couple!!

Love you both,
Susan and Dad

CB said...

Congratulations to both of you! And this year you will have a little something extra to celebrate!!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Happy anniversary. Nine years have gone by very fast. I still remember the beautiful wedding at the Bountiful temple, and the trip to Yellowstone and meeting your parents in Montana. You are a beautiful couple, full of love, and wonderful children.

Love you lots.


The Dorny Family said...

Congratulations. Nine years, and almost three kids, and being SO happy, is quite an accomplishment. Time flies for sure.

Maude said...

Congratulations, you two! You're a neat pair,and have made a terrific family and home during those 9 years. It's always good to still be in love, too! Here's to 99 more! :)

Love you,

Anonymous said...

You are a really great couple, and balance each other really well with your strengths. Enjoy celebrating your anniversary!


Tyler and Jaimee said...

Congratulations! that is a long time! :) You guys are such a cute couple!