Thursday, April 22, 2010

7 year old worry wart & 4 year old prayers

Carter has hit a stage where he as some pretty legit concerns going on in his little 7 year old mind. While I should really be glad that he worries if the door is locked, every night before bed, it's becoming quite annoying to always hear him holler from the room, "Mom, are the doors locked?" Before I know it he'll be the one coming in at midnight and I'll be yelling from the bed, "Carter, make sure you lock the door."
- Glen is gone on a business trip this week and the kids hated to see him go (not quite sure why when I leave they don't react that same way?). They were both being quite dramatic the morning he left and carrying on about how they were going to miss him and such.
Last night while we were reading books before bed Carter got really sad and made the statement once again that he missed his dad.
I reassured him that Glen would only be gone a few days and when he got back we would all be together again. His next concern was hoping his dad's plane didn't crash on the way there and back.
-The other day while lounging around the house Carter told me that when I go to have the baby I am going to die. Wow! Nothing quite wakes you up then hearing that.

Bess loves to pray. Often throughout the day I'll find her in her room with her eyes closed saying a little prayer.
Today she got dressed into a spring skirt. I told her that she may not be able to wear it because it was going to rain and might be too cold.
As she got ready to leave for school she looked outside and noticed there was no rain. She told me the reason why it didn't rain is because she prayed about it.
For prayers at meals and night time prayers we all have to fight a bit with her to actually get our prayers heard. She loves saying the prayer and quite honestly I love to hear her sweet little prayers.
She always includes us all, including the baby. Last night she prayed that we would find a name for her.


Maude said...

What a neat blog, Kendi! Thanks for sharing. Such insights into young minds! It's good that Carter expresses his worries, 'cause that way, you can talk about them - -always a good thing. And there's nothing more wonderful than the faith/prayers of a child. Bess, you give us all a great example to follow.

Love you all.

Jenny Moore said...

Bess is a cutie!
Can we borrow some of her prayers?!!
It's funny what kids choose to worry about and express.
Thanks for sharing!

Jess said...

Oh my, that sounds so much like our house. All my kids fight to say the prayer at dinner and then one or all cry when they don't get to. Sometimes we say multiple prayers. Ah, the joys! How sweet that Bess says little prayers. I love that. She really has grasped the concept of prayer. Those are the times that just melt your heart.

And how sweet is Carter. I'm glad that he is double checking that everyone is safe at night ;)

Cute post!

CB said...

Isn't it funny how worried kids can get. I mean it is really not funny but where do they come up with this stuff?
I have been going through the same thing with Trent for a couple of years. It baffles me - where do these fears come from? I hope Carter can get through it as it can be kind of stressful for these little people.
I definately think it shows a big part of their personalities.

As far as Bess praying, that is so sweet. I think that says alot about her personality as well :D

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I love your blogs Kendi. Being worriers runs in my side of the family. It has always been best for me when I have someone to talk to, and get assurances that It will all work out. That's beautiful that Bess gets much from praying. Having faith and knowing we don't have to go it alone gives hope. We have a song that goes "when mamma comes back all will be fine." That goes for Dad heros like Glen too.

Love, Mike

Anonymous said...

Great blog! There is a lot to worry about and to pray for out there, and it's good that you and Glen are there to help! You have great kids, and I love their picture.


The Dorny Family said...

I remember going through a phase like the one Carter is going through now. Except I would actually go around the house and check that the doors were locked, that the stove was turned off, etc. It's sad to hear about those little fears. Good thing he has Bess praying for him and and family :).

Paul and Joni said...

great blog Kendi, Carter and Bess are growing up so fast. Hope to see you guys someday soon.