Sunday, March 07, 2010

Getting out of Dodge

I thought we were finished with the snow... okay I was hoping. It's actually beautiful today but snowed most of Friday and part of Saturday.

Glen has a conference in Anaheim this week so the kids and I are tagging along and making a week vacation out of it.
It comes at perfect timing! After living here for over 6 years we are finally going to make some pretty dramatic changes to our kitchen. We're very excited. While we are away some of the work is getting done. (the most dramatic change will be knocking a wall out, that will take place after we are back).
I figure we better document some before pictures because when we get back in a week things will look a little different. It's always bothered me that I never took before pictures of all of the other projects we have done. So please enjoy the pictures and try not to judge us on just why it's taken us so long to tackle this project!

Oh the lovely 70's counter tops!
This is the wall that will be knocked out and open things up into the living room area.
Another view of the wall that's coming out, hopefully opening everything up and adding some light. (not quite sure why we still have the highchair up???)


CB said...

Have fun at Disneyland!!

Paul and Joni said...

I can't wait to see the "after" pictures. I want to hear more about what you guys are doing, I love this kind of stuff. Have fun

Jenny Moore said...

How exciting!
Enjoy your week away!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

It's gonna be great! Have a fun trip.


Maude said...

I think your house is way cute with the things you've already done, but it will be very exciting to see the new, opened-up result! have a fun time in California, and be safe.

Love you all,


Jess said...

How fun! A vacation and the anticipation of a new kitchen would be awesome. Have so much fun at Disneyland. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Regina said...

I can't wait to see the afters! Have a fun trip!

Anonymous said...

Hey - I'll get to see the new kitchen living room soon! I want to hear all about Disney!