Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fleeting Moments



These two pictures from our trip really stuck out to me.

While a vacation was something we all needed, I think it's something I needed the very most. It gave me some time to reflect on just how lucky I am.
These kids are growing up and these memories we are creating are so important. Even if it was for the 10 minutes I had alone with Bess at the tidepools and the extra rides in Disneyland that I had with Carter alone, it was well worth it.
Glen is so great at looking at "all" the positive both of our kids possess, while I on the other hand am quick at temper and get frustrated after being with them a majority of the time.
After these few moments of alone time with each of them I realize just how much love they really are full of. They value these moments even more then I do and I need to make an effort to make them happen more often.
Because of an experience that happened while on our trip, I've learned to cherish my children more then I ever did. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
I guess we really aren't sure how long they are on loan to us here on this earth and I really want my time with them to be valuable.


CB said...

Kendi the pictures are great and very reflective:D
Children definately are precious!

Sounds like you had a good trip!

Are you going to post some Mickey pictures?

Maude said...

Beautiful thoughts, Kendi. Thanks for sharing. I also love the pictures you chose. They both really speak of love and "those" moments. I'm glad you got to enjoy each other, especially considering what you came home to!

Love you all lots.


Jenny Moore said...

Those were nice thoughts Kendi...we all need that reminder!

Paul and Joni said...

You do have awesome kids Kendi, they are adorable.


Regina said...

what a great post- such a great reminder to all of us - I'm glad you had a good trip, I am excited to see your new kitchen!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

You are such a great family--your kids and you and Glen! Glad you had a good trip. I'm so sad you were all sick this past weekend! Hope to see you before too long.

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Kendi you take awesome pictures. You are getting very good with that camera of yours. How is your kitchen coming? It is such a headache to remodel a kitchen - especially coming up with dinner ideas in the microwave. Hope it is done soon if not already. (just so you know I started a blog - I thought it only fair since I enjoy reading family and friends blogs so much.)

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures, especially the close-up with Glen and Bess. I know the memories you are building with the kids - the vacation kind and the day to day stuff - are important!

Jess said...

I love that beach picture of them walking hand in hand. How awesome! So glad you captured that. Vacations are a great thing. I am so glad that you had a wondeful getaway.

How's your kitchen coming? Can't wait to see pictures.