Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We were wrong

Every girl needs a sister, right?


It's a girl!

And we couldn't be more excited (well Carter is warming up to the idea)!


Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Congratulations Kendi!!! Bess is going to be a wonderful big sis.

CB said...

Wonderful news!! Congratulations :D

Maude said...

Congratulations to you all. I'm sure Bess is super-excited about have a "gull" and a baby sister to love. Glen said Carter was hoping for a boy so they could share a bunk bed, but maybe he can have friends over to share a bunk bed! We're happy, happy, happy for you. Wow - -the boys are really getting outnumbered these days, aren't they? But the ones we have are mighty awesome!

Love you all,


Paul and Joni said...

Girls are taking over the world, congrats again! We are happy for you guys, I can already see the wheels turning in Bess' head as far as how she is going to dress her little sis up.

Jenny Moore said...

Congratulations...how exciting!!!

Paul and Joni said...

YAY! Thats great. I'm so excited for you guys!


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

We are so thrilled for you guys! Carter will be such a great big brother and protector of both his little sisters and Bess will have so much fun being the little mommy to this one!!

Did Bess get a haircut? Looks adorable from the little bit I could see! The ultrasound pictures are great, but don't they seem a little creepy to you--not just yours, but all of them--especially the 3-D ones!!!

Congrats again! We couldn't be happier!


John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS! We love girls at our house! Carter will be the best big brother to his sisters, I am sure! Bess will have a new best friend (most of the time anyways)

Jess said...

That is awesome. Congratulations! That smile on Bess' face says it all. I bet she is on cloud 9. That will be so much fun.

Joel said...

Congratulations. I guess Erin and I will have to have 8 or 9 boys.

Cheri said...

Yea! Yes, every girl needs a sister! Congrats, I am so happy for you!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

How special to have another girl! Carter plays the protective role with Bess, and now he can have another sister to love. It was really fun talking to you the other day. Much love,


Marianne said...

Yahoo for a girl!! I am sure she will be well-loved. And yes, every girl needs a sister! Congrats you guys!!

The Dorny Family said...

I've been thinking about you a lot lately, especially wondering what kind of baby you'd be having. Hooray for girls!

rynis said...

Carter, I feel your pain buddy! I feel your pain. But on a good note they take pretty good care of you when you get older! Congratulations guys!
Love, Little bro

Moore Family said...

I was 90% sure it was going to be a boy. Bess would talk about her new baby brother in her daily conversations and I thought she must have an inside scoop. Apparently not.

I'm totally happy about it though. I get all the wrestling I can handle from Carter alone. We'll have plenty of time to do dude things together. Having another girl will be great!


Anonymous said...

Oh that's awesome! Congratulations!