Sunday, February 21, 2010

Missing My Girl

Bess and her cousin Reese were lucky enough to fly to Montana with Grandma. They left on Thursday and will be home Monday. Bess was SO excited the day of the trip. She followed me around all morning long asking when it was time to go.

She's having a blast and quite honestly not even missing us. But why would she? Grandma and Grandpa are very entertaining and she's spending all the days with her best friend.

Carter was very upset the day she left. He walked around the house in a state of depression. According to him Montana IS the BEST state and he wants to be the one there, not his sister. Grandma has promised to take him this summer. Summer cannot get here quick enough!

Even though Bess isn't missing us, we are all starting to feel the void of her little spunk around here. Why does her voice sound so much sweeter on the phone? Melts my heart!


CB said...

Oh that is so sweet! I don't now that I was ever away from my kids when they were that young. You are a brave mom. I am sure she is having a blast with grandma but it is hard on those heart strings :D

rynis said...

I don't know how they are so damn cute but they certainly are! Sorry carter, your and parkers turn will be this summer.

Moore Family said...

I miss that little girl so much - the little songs, dances, cuddles, blowing kisses through the window when I'm leaving for work. Bess is such a happy, loving little girl and the family isn't complete when she's gone. Can't wait to see her today!

Thanks for watching her Jim and Lana. From the phone, I can tell she's had a great time.


Anonymous said...

Oh my they are seriously so cute! and look so grown up in these pictures. Sorry Glen it looks like you have to wait a couple more days to see your little girl, they aren't coming home till Wednesday now, Montana is just too fun!

Aunt Megan

Maude said...

Very, very cute - - and exciting! Traveling with her cousing makes it even better. I'm sure you're missing her like crazy, though. It may seem like weeks until Wednesday, Glen.:) And Carter, in the summer, you can do all those "guy" things outside, when it's warm enough to really enjoy them.

Love you all.

Cheri said...

How fun is that, that the girls get to go with their Grandma! I think it is kind of wierd to be home when your kids aren't there.( At least at night) I think reese is looking alot like Parker! They are both so grown up! Too cute!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Such adorable little girls and their grandma too! What a fun trip. It makes me think I should consider a job in the airlines. Sounds like fun!

Jess said...

That is so cute. I bet she had a wonderful time! What a fun Grandma to take the 2 little girls home. I love it.

Anonymous said...

That's so cool to have a flight attendent Grandma! I hope they got an extra bag of peanuts! I'm sure they had a fun time, and hopefully the time will go fast for Carter!

Tyler and Jaimee said...

That is such a cute picture with their two little suitcases at the airport! What a nice grandma to take them with her.

How are you feeling Kendi? Hope things are going good!