Friday, December 11, 2009

Have a good weekend

Family pictures downtown Salt Lake city: $150

Parking for both cars for an hour: $1.55

Telling everyone that there are 5 people in these photos instead of 4:



Regina said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you!! How are you feeling? The pictures are great- I love your outfit- very chic! :) You have such a cute little family!

Joel said...

What a naughty way to break news to your brother-in-law. Congratulations! Punk.

Marianne said...

Yahoo!! I will admit that it took me a minute to get it...apparently I'm a bit slow. I'm very excited for you guys!! How far along are you?

P.S. Your pictures are awesome!

Paul and Joni said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy! I'm so excited!!! Ellie will have a freind near her age, and you guys get another addition to your cute family. AWESOME


Maude said...

Yippee! Congratulations to you all. That's wonderful. I've teased you about that for at least two years, Kendi. No more teasing - - I promise.
Love the photos. Very happy and cute!


Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Congrats Kendi! I'm so happy for you guys! And I am so glad you finally got your family pictures taken-you look fabulous!

amylouwhosews said...

too bad I don't live there - we could be prego buddies!! When are you due? I'm due early May.

Congrats! Exciting and priceless news indeed!

The Dorny Family said...

What a cute announcement, and I love the family pictures. A family a five--wow! it sounds like so many--is a party.

Cheri said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you! The pictures are Beautifull! What an awesome way to announce the new addition! I am so happy for you guys. You have the cutest family! You look HOT too! :)

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

That was a clever way to announce your new addition. You looked great in those pictures. When is your due date? Jamie is due in April. Are you anywhere near her date? Your family is so sharp and you seem so happy.

Love, Dad and Susan

Tyler and Jaimee said...

YAY!!! How exciting!! Those are such cute family pictures I love your ourfit and boots too.

I am so excited that your having another one. How far along are you?

Melissa Kaas said...

Just so good. That's what I feel about this whole entire post. Just so so good!

Erin said...

I would just like to point out that it's not nice to lie to your brother and future sister-in-law when they ask you about such things at Thanksgiving. :)

Congratulations guys!


Jenny Moore said...

Congrats to you!

Anonymous said...

Yay! What beautiful pictures, and that is great news. I was thinking about that the other day!

CB said...

That is SO exciting Kendi!!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! You guys have such cute kids - you should have a dozen. (There is the issue of parents sanity with that many kids though, but I am sure you and Glen could handle it.) When are you due?

porterpies said...

Yay! Congratulations! So happy for you. And beautiful pictures too.

The Nannie Family said...

Congratulations. Great way to let people know.

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