Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Preschool Graduation

The day came!  My youngest and last was ending preschool!  It's such a bitter sweet feeling!

I love Maggie and her desire to learn.  "She loves to socialize and is so great about getting along with EVERYONE!" - Miss Amber 

They prepared a program full of songs and actions for us.  It was really entertaining!

They also drew a picture and told us what they wanted to be when they grow up.  Maggie wants to be a BABY NURSE!  

We have formed such a great relationship with this group.  They started out as 7 and ended with just 5, as 2 had moved away.  But these kids loved each other!  And it was so fun for the moms to really enjoy each other too!

And Miss Amber.....I can't say enough about how wonderful this lady is.  She did her job as a preschool teacher PLUS!  She was so awesome.  Maggie and I have a forever friend in Miss Amber!

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