Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sad News/Good Friends

Some days life just really gets you down.  Mid-January we received a phone call that we will never forget.  Glen's mom called to deliver the news that Paul had been hospitalized and was having test/MRI's ran to determine that he had cancer. 
We were all so sad and in shock!  

Glen woke up early then next morning and headed to be with his family in SLC.  We are so lucky that the drive is only 5 easy hours and you are there, it helps, especially in times like this.
As awful as this situation is one thing I found to be true is you find out who your real friends are.  So many people were there for US....even though we felt like we needed to be there for Paul, people were here for us and I'll never forget those awesome friends!

Tuesday evening a good friend showed up at the door with a full meal....the kids and I were so happy and spoiled.

Wednesday morning a friend delivered coke and ice cream!  That definitely cured some blues.

Wednesday for lunch another friend dropped off my very favorite Zupa's soup & coke! 
I am so blessed with wonderful friends! 

This week was a rough one.  Lots of phone calls helped to ease our minds.  I never have to look far to find something that makes me smile....this week I really needed it so I found this extra special.
At preschool they must have been talking about emotions. 
Maggie helped me find (and her teacher, she made sure to send me a text to take a look at this paper) some sunshine on this gloomy January day!

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